Fairy Tail Fund Run (PT 12)

5K 221 93

(A/N: Lots of JeRza below!!)

"Jellal?" Erza asked cautiously. "Let's go."

"Why?" Jellal whined. "I want to have funnnn!"

"Mira," Erza groaned. "Why?"

I'll have knock to him out..

She pulled back her hand, ready throw a punch at her..lovesick partner.

Jellal blinked up at her with round, innocent eyes.

"Ugh," Erza mumbled. "Just don't do anything weird, okay Jellal?"

"You're mean!" Jellal whispered. "You're no fun.."

Erza's eyes widened.

He's under the effect of a potion..But still..it hurts when he calls me mean..Am I actually mean? No..Get a grip, Erza..

She got up, "Come on, we need to get going."

No reply.


"Oh god," she muttered. "Jellal..he could be anywhere!"

Erza immediately straightened up and looked at her handcuffs.


"He broke the handcuffs.." Erza said in disbelief.

Jellal? Where are you?

She ran down the sidewalk and began to ask around, "Hey have you seen a man with blue hair and a tattoo?"

"Jellal, the former fugitive?" the street vendor asked. "You're Titania, his girlfriend, right?"

Erza rolled her eyes, "Yes, I am. Have you seen him?"

The man chuckled uneasily, "Saw him by the Honey Bone Cafe. He was..um..surrounded by girls.."

Erza grabbed the man by the collar, "WHAT!?"

"Y-yeah. He w-was surrounded by g-girls. I had nothing to d-do with it!" the man stammered.

She dropped the trembling man and ran down the road, towards the old cafe.

Surrounded by girls..Surrounded by girls...Surrounded by other girls..

She caught sight of the naughty blue-haired mage, "Jellal!" she shouted. "What are you doing?"

He grinned, "Having fun!"

"Jellal-sama!" one of the girls pleaded. "Go out with-"

"Jelly-kun," one of the girls murmured, stepping too close for Erza's liking.

She's going to kiss him!?


"Stay away!" Erza growled, dragging Jellal out out of the crowd.

"Er-chaan! What was that for?" he grumbled. "I was only playing around!"

"You know better!" Erza scolded. "We have to go!"

"I want you to stay," he whispered.

"But we're in the mid-"

Jellal cut her off by gently placing a kiss on her lips.

"Y-you can't make me do anything," Erza said.

He smirked and lightly kissed her neck.

Color flooded her cheeks. "J-Jellal," she moaned.

"I can make you do lots of things," Jellal declared. "I can make you say my name and blush!"

She backed away and muttered, "Mira, what have you done to Jellal?"

"I'll let you do whatever you want as long as you listen to my one rule," she commanded.

He nodded, "Anything."

"I want you to follow me, but you have to stay exactly 5 meters away from me," Erza said.

Jellal groaned with annoyance, "Why..?"

"Because I said so," she said, smiling sweetly. "Just 'cause your brain has gone a little cuckoo, doesn't mean we have to lose this race! Oh, and technically we're eliminated because you broke the handcuffs."

"I'm sure Mira won't mind," he said shrugging. "But first I have something to show you."

Curiosity got the best of Erza, "What is it?"

Jellal slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box and showed her. "See!"

Erza's eyes widened as she examined the box.

It's a...

She blushed, and quickly turned away, "Um..M-maybe you should put that away. Trust me, you're going to regret it." To herself she whispered, "That potion is effecting his mind..."


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