Ryuuzetsu Land (PT 1)

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"Okay! I think we should go on an all day trip!" Levy announced. 

"Is it something you read in a book, Shrimp?" Gajeel asked.

Levy glared at him, "Not everything I say comes from a book, baka!"

"I agree! I'm bored!" Lucy agreed enthusiastically, hoping to break up the argument.

"As long as there's food!" Natsu said rubbing his stomach.

"Strawberry cake!" Erza added.

"Aye sir!" Happy cried, flying around the room.

"As long as Gray-sama is going, Juvia would love too!" Juvia cheered.

"Then it's settled! Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Levy, Erza, and Jellal will come with me to Ryuzetsu Land for a day!" Mira Jane said happily. "Meet me at the Magnolia Train Station in 5 minutes!"

Everyone groaned. This was going to be a long day...

"Not the train..." Natsu grumbled.

"Not Mira Jane.." everyone else complained.

5 Minute Time Skip - - - Magnolia Train Station

"Okay, guys! Each compartment will have 4 people in it. Compartment 1 will have Levy, Gajeel, Lucy, and Natsu!" Mira Jane announced to the group.

"Yay! I'm with Lu-chan! We can discuss Blood of Olympus!"

"Yes!" Lucy said eagerly. "We can talk about how Rick Riordan needs to learn to write better book endings!"

Levy nodded, "And Calypso and Leo are so kawaii!"

The girls let out excited squeals while Gajeel rolled his eyes.

"Compartment 2 will have Jellal, Erza, Juvia, and Gray!" Mira continued.

"Yes! Gray-sama! Juvia is so happy!" Juvia exclaimed.

"Yeah me too! And also Jellal gets to be with his girlfriend," Gray teased, poking his arm.

"Shut up! There's nothing to tease about! And have you forgotten that you and Juvia are dating?" Erza growled.

Jellal sighed. This was going to be a long trip...

He walked into the compartment and plopped down on a seat next to Erza. The group stared at each other, forming an awkward silence.

"So...was Gray-sama being good on the mission yesterday?" asked Juvia, breaking the silence.

"No! He destroyed three houses while Natsu destroyed four!" Erza said angrily.

"Well...Umm..Erza? You kind of destroyed the whole entire neighboring city.." Jellal said with a small chuckle.

Erza blushed,"Well..That was an accident! I didn't think that would happen!"

"Yeah? You think I destroyed those three houses on purpose?" Gray retorted.

"Gray-sama would never do that!" Juvia said, defending Gray as always.

"Okay! Stop the arguing! Let's play a game!" Jellal said with a sigh.

"Truth or Dare! Juvia never played that game before. It sounds fun!" Juvia said eagerly.

"If you say so, Juvia.."Gray said, exchanging embarassed looks with Erza and Jellal.

"I dare you to kiss Juvia!" Jellal said with a snicker.

Erza laughed, "Classic."

Gray blushed.

This was going to get really bad! I just know it!


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