S Class Mission (PT 7)

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Dedicated to Gaya-chan, I think she'll know why..


Jellal jumped out of his bed and shook his head.

It was a dream.. Erza was not in it! No! It's impossible!

He walked over to her bed and concentrated on her facial expression. Her face was expressionless, except for her small smile.

The mage leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Please tell me this whole dream incident was..a normal dream."

Jellal looked at the time, realizing they had slept through lunch. It was now 7 pm. He silently walked to his bag and pulled out his Erza doll. He stared at it, carefully turning it in his hands."

"That was very..interesting," Erza said sitting up on her bed.

Jellal shoved the doll back in his bag, "Oh! Erza! You're awake!" he mumbled, not meeting her eyes.

"I think I'm going to- It's seven o'clock already! The train leaves in an hour! We have to go!" Erza yelped, launching herself out of bed. "Are you packed?"

Jellal nodded, glad to have a change of conversation. He grabbed his backpack and headed for the door.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. I'll make fun of you on the train," Erza said, smiling sweetly.

He groaned. This is so embarrassing..

The two mages walked out of the room and into the small elevator.

"So..Master told me to tell you Fairy Tail is going to be hosting a three day event tomorrow," Erza said, breaking the silence.

Jellal nodded, "What type of event?"

"I think it's a race."

"Sounds fun!"

Erza snorted, "Yeah..If Natsu and Gray don't destroy everything!"


The elevator opened, leading to the shabby, old lobby. Erza and Jellal walked to the counter, where the old man was sitting.

"Hey Mira. We're leaving, thanks for the cake!" Erza said, cheerfully.

"Mira? As in Mira Jane Strauss?" Jellal asked, thoroughly confused.

"Yeah, apparently her, Ultear, and Meredy disguised as old men so they could spy on us.."

"You guys disappointed me!" Mira cried, transforming from the old man back to her normal self. "You didn't do anything..romantic!"

Jellal sweat dropped, "Yeah, well..um- it was a missi- I mean it was supposedly an 'S Class' mission."

"Aw, c'mon Mira! Cheer up! You can match make someone else!" Erza said, patting the white-haired woman on the back.

"Where are Ultear and Meredy?" Jellal asked looking around

"Oh, as soon Erza found out about our disguises, they fled in fear they would have to face the 'wrath of Jellal', Mira said chuckling.

"The wrath of Jellal?" Erza asked, mystified.

Jellal quickly changed the topic,"Well, I think we better get going now!"

"Yes," Erza agreed, as she and Jellal turned to leave. "See you at the guild, Mira!"

They exited the inn, and walked to the train station. After selecting a compartment, and ordering some strawberry cake (for Erza), they began to idly talk about what they predicted was going to happen at the race.

"It'll end in chaos!"

"Master will end up paying a lot of money!"

"Lot's of fun!"

"Droy isn't going to particiapate!"

Neither Jellal, nor Erza knew what was going to be in store for them..

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