Game Day (PT 2)

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"That was fun! Let's play another game!" the bar tender announced, a huge smile on her face as usual.

"Not the Pocky game.." Lucy moaned.

"What's the Pocky game?" asked the naive dragonslayer, Natsu.

"Something reall bad," Lucy mumbled.

"Fine! Let's play Hide and Seek Tag!" Mira Jane said, clapping her hands together.

"What are the new and 'improved' rules?" Erza asked.

"And why are we playing random games?" Levy asked.

"Oh Erza! You know me so well," Mira beamed. "The girls will hide, and the boys will have to find whoever their true love is!"

"What if we don't love anyone?" Gajeel asked.

"I will kill you," Mira Jane said, as if that was a very normal statement. "Anyway, you guys are all dating each other.."

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu cried. "Let's play!"

"Aye sir!" Happy exclaimed.

"1..2..3..4..5," the boys chanted.

Levy and Juvia ran to the Magnolia Park, Lucy ran into the S Class level, and Erza ran into the storage room with a plate of strawberry cake.

"6..7..8..9..10! Ready or not, here we come!" the boys yelled in unison as they ran off their separate ways.

Gajeel and Levy

"Oi, Shrimp! Where are you?" Gajeel called.

"You're supposed to find her! And be quiet!" Pantherlily scolded.

"You're right Lily! I'll sneak up on Shrimp and scare her! Gihi!" he whispered. "Her scent is this way," he pointed, and ran towards the park.

Gajeel looked around and sighed. "Shorty probably hid in a tree, like that book character..What was his name? Robby Good?" 

Gajeel looked up and sure enough, Levy was sitting perched in a tree, reading a book.

"Gihi, I'm gonna scare that little shrimp!" Gajeel snickered as he snuck under the tall oak. "Lily, give me a lift.'

Pantherlily lifted Gajeel up and landed him right behind the blue haired girl. "Found you Shrimp!" Gajeel whispered in her ear, as he tapped her shoulder.

"Kyaa!" Levy screamed, losing balance and slipping off the branch.

Gajeel quickly slipped down the tree and ran under the tree, just in time to catch a blushing Levy.

"What were you thinking?" Levy yelled, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks, when she realized Gajeel was carrying her.

"I was thinking this," he said, leaning forward and placing a kiss on her forehead

Jellal and Erza

Follow the smell of that cake.

Jellal grinned, it was obvious Erza thought he wasn't smart enough to figure that out. He quicky followed the sweet scent and ended up in front of the storage room.

He peeked inside, and saw a mound of boxes, towering high up.

Erza thinks she can hide behind that?

The one thing the blue haired mage didn't see was the floor, scattered with boxes of all sizes. He took a step forward and toppled forward with a thud.

From behind the boxes, Erza was watching intently, admiring how he managed to find where she was hiding.

I'm not going to lose!

She had been keeping still for quite a while, but couldn't help but chuckle when Jellal tripped.

"So, you think that's funny?" Jellal asked, walking up to her tower of boxes.

"Yes, I do," Erza stated.

He reached out to tag her, but she stepped backwards, causing her to fall over. This time Jellal chuckled. He stepped over the boxes, and knelt down beside her, their faces beginning to get really close.

He's going to tag me..

Erza began to blush, as she realized the awkward position they were in. Jellal was now so close their noses were touching.

"Jellal, get off me! This is inappropri-" Erza began.

Jellal closed the gap between their faces.



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