A Darker Turn (PT 1)

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"Welcome to the final round of the the Fairy Tail Fund Run!" Mira announced. "Today's goal will be trying to run back to the Fairy Tail guild!"

"There will be plenty of obstacles of course," Master added, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

The crowd roared with approval.

"No handcuffs?" Lucy begged.

Mira Jane smiled politely, though she didn't look happy. "No handcuffs."

"Thank God," Erza muttered.

"Hm? You didn't like it when I carried you using Meteor?" Jellal teased.

"Ha!" Natsu laughed. "Erza was ca-"

"Shut up!"Erza shouted, punching Natsu in the face.

"Poor Flamebrain," Gray chided.

Natsu jumped up from the ground and glared at Gray, "What did you say?"

Gray smirked,"I said-"

"No time for arguing!" Lucy yelled, grabbing Natsu by the arm. "The race has started!"

"Requipt: Flight Armor!" Erza shouted.

"Heavenly Body Magic: Meteor!" Jellal said.

"Jellal?" Erza asked nervously.

"Yes?" he said, glancing at the scarlet-haired mage.

"What did Mira mean by obstacles?"

"I'm not sure.."

"We'll have to be careful."


The two mages flew over roof tops but were abruptly stopped.

"Fight me!" Natsu declared.

Lucy sighed, "Are you trying to killing yourself? Asking two S Class mages to fight you?"

"How did you manage to land on a roof top?" Jellal asked.

"It's a long story," Lucy muttered.

"We haven't fought in a long time!" Natsu continued. "So fight me, Erza!"

"You take care of Natsu," Jellal whispered. "I'll go up ahead."

Erza nodded and turned to Natsu, "I accept your challenge."

"Good luck, baka," Lucy said, backing away.

"I'm all fired up now!" he announced, a wild grin spreading across his face.

Jellal flew off the roof, confident his fiancee would win this battle.

If you could call it a battle..

He grinned, So much has changed..

"Jellal!" Ultear called telepathically.

"Is something wrong?" Jellal asked. Jokingly, he added, "I'm not going to help you win the race, you know.."

"This is no time for jokes!" Ultear whispered. "Meldy and I sensed some dark magic nearby."

"Dark magic?" Jellal asked. "This isn't a prank, right?"

"No!" Meredy said frantically.

"But..I thought Crime Sorciere disbanded all of the dark guilds!" Jellal protested.

"There's still Zeref!" Ultear said. "Stay where you are. We'll explain to you in person."

"Jellal!" Erza yelled, flying towards him.

"What's wrong?" Jellal asked, hugging her. "Is something wrong."

"It's Mira.." she panted. "She's been attacked!"

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