S Class Mission (PT 4)

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Erza and Jellal walked to the dark cave at the end of Hargeon Park and waited at the entrance.

"Here," Jellal said pulling her into a corner. "We can hide here."

Minutes passed and the two mages waited. The minutes were beginning to feel like hours, dragging on and on.

Jellal constantly kept checking the time on his watch and Erza continued to be lost in deep thought.

Several moments went by and Erza became aware that she was idly twirling some of his hair around her fingers. Blushing, she stopped immediately, and felt surprise jolt her as she felt him tense up. She resumed her play, in hopes that she would bring him some comfort.

"Erza!" Jellal whispered.

She quickly withdrew her hand from his hair, and stared at him "What?"

"There's something coming..It feels..unsettling," he whispered.

Erza nodded. "Shall we take a look?"

Jellal led the way, creeping deeper into the dark cave, where they began to hear strange voices.

"Young love.." an old, white haired lady said. Two other old men appeared to be trying to contain their laughter.

Erza frowned and looked at her companion. 

Who are they, and what are they doing here? Wait a second..Isn't that lady the one from Sencala Inn?

The black haired man chuckled, and began to whisper to the old, pink haired man, who had a smile on his face.

"So many old people.." Jellal whispered. Erza gave him an amused smile.

The three adults immediately disappeared, and a couple seconds later, a shadow appeared.

The wyvern!

Jellal clentched his fists ready to fight, and finish the job.

And protect Erza...

"T-thats it?" Erza asked, her jaw dropping. A miniature, doll sized wyvern stood scurrying around the ground.

Reminds me of that doll I bought today..

"Never mind. We shouldn't under estimate it!" Erza announced. "Jellal?"

"Huh?" he asked, snapping back to reality.

"We have to fight it!" Erza said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," he said, taking a step forward and kneeling down.

"What are you doing?" Erza asked.

Jellal slowly picked up the tiny wyvern and examined it.

Something about it..seems strange. I need a closer look..

Jellal stared at it. "I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine. He shall be my squishy! Come here squishy! Come here!" Jellal said.

A/N: Lol, just kidding. This is what really happened:

Jellal slowly picked up the tiny wyvern and examined it.

"It's a robot," he said.

"A robot?" Erza asked confused. "Is there another wyvern around here?"

Jellal shook his head,"No, I don't think so. It's 1am, and that monster isn't here."

"Someone did this purposely..A trick.." Erza said, slowly. Jellal gulped, he had to calm her down fast!

"We should go back to the inn," he said quickly. "Maybe it will come tomorrow!"

"That old lady did it!" she said.

"What?" Jellal asked.

"What was the innkeeper doing here? Wasn't she the one who requested the job?"

"We'll ask her later. We need to get some rest," Jellal argued. Seeing her unsettled face made the blue haired mage feel the need to comfort her so he added, "I'll buy some cake before we sleep."

Erza smiled. "Arigato, Jellal."

The two Fairy Tail mages walked back to Sencala Inn, hand in hand.



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