All Is Well

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"Will she be okay?" Lucy asked, hovering over the sleeping figure of Erza Scarlet.

"I'm not sure," Porlyusica admitted. "She's been in a coma for an entire week."

"What's a coma?" Natsu asked. "Erza's fine. She's just being lazy."

The entire guild glared at him.

"Erza is not fine!" Lucy snapped. "A coma is a condition in which you go into a deep sleep. Go look it up."

"Well," Mira Jane whispered. "We might as well relax. It's not like we're helping any."

Levy nodded and took out her phone, "Music anyone?"

"Yes please," Lucy said.

"Hmm..How about..'Never Say Never?'" she asked, turning on the music and setting it down on the table.

"No!" Juvia, Lucy, Lisanna, and Mira Jane wailed. "Not Justin Bieber!"

"Shrimps got bad taste in music," Gajeel muttered.

"Hey!" Levy yelled. "I-"

The talking immediately stopped and all attention was turned to Erza, who had gotten out of bed..

And turned off the music.

(A/N: I know..really random..)

"Erza!" everyone yelled rushing up to her and taking turns hugging her. Except for one Fairy Tail mage. Jellal was sitting quietly in the corner, looking at the ground. Master Makarov must have sensed the awkward tension between the two fiancées and immediately, ushered everyone out of the infirmary.

"I'm sorry," Jellal whispered, hugging her gently.

"For what?" Erza asked.

"I should've been able to save you. Instead I ran away."

"I told you to run away," Erza said. "It's not your fault-"

"I bet if I had been that..old Jellal you were talking about that day on the beach.." he whispered, his voice full of guilt.

"Jellal..I didn't mean-"

"I'm so weak.."

Much to Jellal's surprise, Erza leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

Pulling away from his embrace, she looked him in the eye, "I was wrong. I like this Jellal better. He may not be the old Jellal that I had liked when I was kid, but is the new Jellal I love. The one who walks in the light!"


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