Valentines Day Special!

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"So Erza, how are you and Jellal? It's really unfortunate, the trains are 8 hours delayed...What a shame!" Mira Jane said with a sigh. 

"Well, maybe Laxus and Jellal will manage to come before Valentines Day is over," Erza suggested. "Let's watch a movie!"

"Okay," Mira Jane agreed. "I wish Jellal was here so I could finish Plan Jerza...Plan Gale, Plan Nalu, and Plan Gruvia are all in process,"the white haired mage muttered to herself.

"Okay! Let's watch an anime!" Erza announced. "I don't feel like watching anything too long,"

"Sure! How about...Rave Master!" 


The two mages sat down in front of tv and began to watch, though none of them actually paid attention. 


Mira Jane looked at her phone.

I used Meteor, so Laxus and I didn't have to use the trains. We're here early, and I want do something special. Any ideas, Ms. Matchmaker? ---Jellal

Mira smiled and texted:

Sure thing! Get her some gifts and wait at the door in 5 minutes.

Mira Jane tucked her phone away, reached for the remote and paused the anime.

"Hey! Ellie was about to beat Haru up!" Erza complained.

"Plan Jerza, in progress!" Mira Jane thought happily as she pulled Erza into the room.

Knock Knock

Jellal is here already!?

"C'mon Erza! Someone important is here! Put on these clothes!"

"A dress?"


"OWWW! I can brush my own hair!"

Jellal smiled, imagining how confused Erza was..

I can't fall in love with someone who walks in the light

He shook his head. "No! I'm doing this for Erza..and me,"he muttered.

"Why do I have to wear this fancy underwear?" Erza yelped from inside the room.

Jellal blushed and looked at the ground.

A bit unessessecary Mira..

"Just go in the closet and put it on!" Mira whispered.

"Whoever is at the door isn't important enough for me to have to do all this!" Erza whined. Jellal winced.

"Shush!" Mira Jane said glaring at her from in the room, while Jellal patiently waited outside.

"Okay! Now enjoy your date!" Mira said with a smile as she pushed the couple out of the building.

"Oh! Hey Jellal! You...didn't happen to hear what was going on inside, right?" Erza asked.

"Ummm...No?" Jellal said with a small blush.

Erza chuckled, "You were always a bad liar."

"Oh, by the way this is for you. Happy Valentines day!" he said handing her a small box of heart shaped strawberry cake and a bouquet of roses.

"So..where are we going?" the scarlet haired mage said, getting over the fact Jellal was taking her out somewhere.

"Well- I didn't exactly plan anything," Jellal said sheepishly.

Erza smiled, "Maybe we can go to the park and watch the sunset!"

Jellal laughed. "Titania Scarlet wants to watch the sunset! How romantic! I'm going to tell Natsu and Gray!"

Erza shot him a death glare, which didn't seem to work on him. The glare soon turned into an amused smile.

The two mages arrived at the park and sat down on the grassy field. "So..tell me a story," Jellal said, breaking the silence.

Now it was Erza's turn to laugh, "What are you, a baby? Fine, what do you want to hear?"

"What about..that Galuna Island one?"

"Yes, I remember! The one where Lucy, Natsu, and Happy secretly went on the S Class quest, the Moon Drip, finding about Gray's past, my first 'kya'-"

"You said 'kya'?" Jellal asked with a huge smile.

"Maybe!" Erza said looking at the ground.

"Tell me!"


"I'll eat your strawberry cake!"

"Fine I'll tell you! Lucy dug a hole, and I accidentally fell in it," Erza said, blushing with embarrassment.

"The great Titania fell down a hole?" Jellal said laughing.

"Stop calling me Titania!" Erza said getting up. "And it was an accident! I'll never say 'kya' again!"

"You're sure?" Jellal asked, a mischiveous plan forming in his head.

"Yep- kyaa!" Erza screamed.

Jellal laughed so hard tears began to form in his eyes. He had simply poked Erza's sides with his fingers, and she screamed. It had to be the funniest thing he had seen in a long time.

"I'll- I'll get back at you!" Erza said, recovering from her shock.

"Oh really!" Jellal said taunting her.

"You baka!" Erza whispered.

"I'm your baka!" Jellal said with a smile.

"What am I to you?" Erza asked narrowing her eyes.

"You're my princess," he said kissing her on her forehead.

Hey Minna!

Sorry for not posting on Valentines Day! The electricity went out at my house, making some sort of wifi problem occur. I'm soooo sorry!

Happy Late Valentines Day!


-- TheFairyHunter

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