Fairy Tail Fund Run (PT 5)

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Erza jumped off Jellal's back and tugged him close. Jellal was now really tempted to kiss her. He began to stare into her deep blue-

Concentrate! This is not the normal Erza..

She was not at all expecting him to gently pin her to the ground

"You promised me!" Erza whispered, squirming out of his grip.

"I know..I will..but we have to get going! This is a race!" Jellal argued, not wanting to kiss a 'brainwashed' Erza.

"You lied," Erza whispered. "You promised me. And you lied to me. Again."

Jellal's eyes widened, when he noticed her eyes beginning to get teary.

I can't make her cry over something so silly...

"Who said I lied? What if I just want to hold you?" he asked quickly.

"Fine..but this is uncomfortable!" Erza complained. To his relief, Erza stopped trying to get out of his grip.

I'll have to stay like this until Erza goes back to normal..Alzack and Bisca, Gajeel and Levy, and the others are probably way ahead of us! Hopefully Laxus was right about Natsu and Gray though..

"Jellal!?" Erza shouted.

"Huh?" he asked, looking down at Erza's blushing face.

"Why are you..on top of me?" she asked sternly.

Jellal quickly hopped off of her and apologized, "Sorry..You went a little..wild."

Erza bowed her head in embarrassment, "Yeah.."

"How are you feeling?" Jellal asked.

"Really, really embarrassed," she muttered. "Did anyone besides you see me acting all..weird?"

"Laxus and Mavis. You're lucky Natsu, Gray, and Mira Jane didn't see you!" he added, trying to cheer her up.

"I suppose," she said getting up alongside Jellal. "Now hurry up! I don't plan on losing!'

Jellal smiled, at least Erza's back to normal!

"Should I use Meteor again?" he asked.

"Mm," Erza nodded, still deep in thought.

"I have to carry you though..remember?" Jellal reminded her awkwardly.

"Yeah," she said, allowing Jellal to pick her up and carry him in his arms.

As they zoomed past Gajeel and Levy (who were arguing), Erza nervously asked, "What exactly did I say? I only remember some parts.."

"Well..you..um, were very insistent," Jellal said, not wanting to tell her about the 'kissing' part.

"And what happened next? Gray stopped stripping?" Erza asked, raising her eyebrow.

So she wants to know the entire truth..Even if it's embarrassing.

Jellal landed on the grass and gently put Erza down.

"Hey guys!" Bisca said smiling, walking out of the wooden..inn?

"Hi Bisca!" Erza said waving. "What's the building for?"

"Oh, this is where you rest," Bisca said. "Then the race continues tomorrow at six."

"Is everyone here?" Jellal asked.

"Yep! Except, Lucy and Natsu, Juvia and Gray, and Happy and Carla," Alzack said, walking up to his wife's side.

Jellal and Erza entered the building, where they were greeted by the usual chaotic ways of the guild.

"Excuse me," Erza said glaring at a certain white-haired mage. "I need to have a little..chat with someone."


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