Birthday Surprise (PT 2)

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"Quick! Take the cake out!" Jellal said, panicking.

Mira Jane opened the oven and pulled the cake out. They both peered into the pan. 

"The cake is still moist. I think we can still put it in!" Mira whispered.

Thank god! Maybe the cake will actually turn out okay.

Mira Jane sprinkled the gold powder into the cake, and shoved it back into the oven. "Okay! I asked Lucy to take Erza out on a shopping trip for an hour, so we can decorate the guild!" she said as they rushed out of the kitchen.

"We also have to make sure Erza doesn't enter the guild until tomorrow morning on her birthday," she continued.

"How is that going to work?" he asked. From what he had observed, Erza was either on a mission or hanging around the guild, yelling. Although there had been that one time where he had found Erza on the beach where they had almost-

Mira winked. "Lucy's got it all under control!"

Jellal walked out of the kitchen and sat down at a table with Natsu and Gray. He felt exhausted, all he wanted to was close his eyes for a few minutes, and...

"So, Flamebrain what did you get her?" Gray asked with a devilish smile. Jellal didn't even need to look up to know that Gray wanted to get a fight going now that Erza wasn't here.

"What did you call me?!" Natsu said, getting up angrily. Jellal sighed. Clearly Gray's plan had worked.

"Are you deaf? I called you-" the ice mage began.

"I heard you already!" Natsu said raising his fists.

"Then why did you ask?" Gray said getting up as well.

There's no Erza to separate them..I wonder how this fight is going to turn out!

~ ~ ~

Erza requipted into her usual Heart Kreuz pajamas, and sat on the bed with a sigh. This was going to be her last day as a teenager. It was also going to be her first actual birthday with Jellal. And she was a little more excited then she wanted to admit.

"I remember when I celebrated my tenth birthday with him in the Tower of Heaven," Erza whispered to herself. "He made me a doll.."

I wonder what Jellal will get me this year...I shouldn't expect too much from him! He only just joined Fairy Tail, I'm happy enough as it is!

Erza got into bed, hoping to take a nap. Shopping with Lucy was like hunting a beast of some sort. Constantly on her toes, no time to stop, always on the lookout..She closed her eyes, and began to dream...

"Hey! Scarlet!" a female voice called from across the sidewalk.

Erza turned around and found herself face to face with...Erza Knightwalker?


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