Fairy Tail Fund Run (PT 11)

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"Do you think the tablet we have to find is in the castle?" Jellal asked.

"I hope not," Erza said. "I don't think Mira is that mean..."

Jellal and Erza walked down the elegant roads of Crocus, Fiore's capital.

"The castle is huge!" Jellal declared.

Erza smiled at his childish behavior, "Yes, it is huge. Haven't you been to Crocus before?"

"Yeah, but I was on the run," he reminded her. "I never got to see the castle this close!"

"All castles are big," Erza said, rolling her eyes.

"Look! It's Natsu and Lucy!" Jellal said, pointing out the two mages.

"And Millianna!" Erza said happily.

Jellal flinched and Erza patted his back, "It's fine. Remember, everyone has forgiven you," she murmured.

"Er-chan!" Millianna cried. "And Jellal-chan!"

"Millianna! What are you doing here?" Erza asked.

"I came to watch, of course! Mermaid Heel thought it would be amusing to watch a bunch of Fairy Tail wizards run around."

"How dare they!" Natsu growled.

Lucy sighed, "At least they're paying.."

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Erza asked, turning to Natsu and Lucy.

"We got lost," Lucy said. "Thanks to Natsu!"

"Not my fault!" Natsu snapped.

"You said you knew the way!"

"I said I thought I knew!"

"Anyway, let me continue my story!" Millianna said, smirking at Jellal.

Natsu perked up, "She know some really funny stories!"

"About...?" Erza asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Remember the time Simon tried to kiss you?" Millianna asked.

"He did?" Erza said in surprise. Jellal immediately paled.

"Yep! I remember it clearly! Simon almost kissed Erza on the cheek, and Jellal went in the middle, almost getting kissed by Simon. Jellal reasoned that he was just passing by. Oh, by the way, he was doing his infamous rock star dance." Millianna laughed.

"We have to go now!" Jellal interrupted, dragging a blushing Erza away from the laughing group.

"So, where do you think the tablet will be?" Erza asked, interrupting the awkward silence.

Snapping back to reality, Jellal replied, "In a cafe."

"A cafe?"


"Are you hungry?"


"You're such an idiot," Erza said, shaking her head. "If you're hungry, you say, 'I'm hungry.'"


Erza grabbed his hand and steered him towards the nearest cafe. "Since you were being a good boy and used Meteor, I'll let you have a short break."

He grinned sheepishly, "Thanks."

"And in case your wondering, you're still a terrible liar," Erza whispered. "But at least your good at dancing~" Erza teased.

"I know," he said. "But that's not necessarily a bad thing.."

Erza laughed, "Yeah, you're right."

"I'm hungry!" he complained.

Erza playfully swatted him across the head, "Be patient!"

She walked up to the counter and ordered the food, receiving many strange looks from the customers

Not my fault Jellal and I are handcuffed!

Meanwhile, Jellal stood beside her, an impatient look on his face.

"Wow!" Jellal exclaimed suddenly. "Crocus has lots of flowers!"

Erza stiffened and turned around to face him, "Let's stay away from them, okay?" she whispered.

Jellal pushed Erza towards the field of brightly colored flowers and stared at them, "They smell so good.."

"Jellal," she warned. "Cover your-"

He slowly walked towards the colorful field as if in a trance.

"Jellal!" Erza yelled, pushing him back. Under her breath, she muttered, "Mira, I'm going to kill you..I knew you would fill the flowers with Love Potions!"

"Erza.." Jellal moaned.

"Jellal!" Erza cried. "Get a hold of yourself!"

Jellal collapsed on to the ground, bringing his partner down with him.

"Jellal?" Erza asked, shaking him. "Hello? Jellal!"

"Hey gorgeous.."

Erza face-palmed.


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