Fairy Tail Fund Run (PT 7)

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It feels good to lift my right hand without getting a complaint from Erza..Too bad those handcuffs have to go back on our wrists tomorrow!

"We're in fifth place," Jellal announced.

"Who's ahead of us?" Erza asked.

"Alzack and Bisca, Happy and Carla, Laxus and Mavis, and Gajeel and Levy," he said.

"We'll beat them!" Erza declared.

It was now evening and Jellal and Erza had decided to take a walk and escape the chaotic guild. It was also a good time to explore Balsam City. (A/N: Yes, they raced through the entire city of Magnolia, and ended up in a completely different city. Get over it.)

"Did I tell you that you're really good at dancing," Jellal asked, mischievously glancing at her.

Erza glared at him,"I'm called the Dancing Demon for reason, baka!"

"More like the Dancing Damsel," he teased.

"Shut up!"

"Do you like being known as the Dancing Demon?" he asked.

"Yes I do, it's fun. And I like being feared by others," she said proudly.

Jellal chuckled and wrapped his arm around her affectionately.

"Erza! Come over here! Bring your mate also!" Natsu shouted from behind them.

"M-mate?" Erza stuttered, blushing a light shade of pink.

"Idiot!" Lucy yelled turning to Natsu. "It's boyfriend not mate!"

"Yeah, that's what I said! Mate!" Natsu said.

"No Natsu, it's boyfriend."

"Yes Natsu, it's mate!" Natsu retorted.

"So, what did you want?" Erza asked, beginning to get annoyed.

"To tell you that Luce and I are going to beat you!" Natsu shouted, pumping his fist into the air.

"That wasn't exactly what we wanted to say," Lucy added quickly, glancing at Erza's angry face. "At least that wasn't what I wanted to say. Anyway, master said he wanted everyone back at the inn. I think he's going to tell us what's going to happen during part two of the race."

"What's going to happen? That much is obvious! I'm going to beat Ice Princess!" Natsu shouted.

"Y-yeah," Lucy muttered.

"Let's go," Jellal said, turning around to walk back to the inn.

"Erza," Lucy whispered.


"I heard Balsam Town is known for their amazing spas. We should go one day," Lucy said eagerly.

"Good idea," Erza whispered. "I heard they have a Heart Kreuz shop here as well."

"Ah! You're back!" Makarov said cheerfully, watching the four mages enter the building. "Is everyone here now?"

"I believe so!" Mira said smiling.

"Excellent! Now, listen carefully brats," he said, smirking. "Tomorrow during part two of the race, only ONE PERSON out of your pair will be racing. Choose wisely..."

Immediately arguing broke out around the guild.

"I'll do round two. Got that Shrimp?" Gajeel said, patting Levy's head. "You're too small."

"Ugh! I was going to agree! But you had to add that last part!" Levy shouted angrily.

"What? You are pretty small..."


Erza turned to Jellal, "I'm going to-"

"No," he said firmly. "I'll do this round. You can do the next round."

To his surprise, she agreed.

"Alright then! Has everyone decided~?" Mira Jane asked. "Good! The people who aren't racing in the next round can watch. The people who are racing.." she smiled evilly. "Good luck tomorrow."


Authors Note:

Hey minna!

Yay! I updated! Finally!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

—- TheFairyHunter

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