Fairy Tail Fund Run (PT 16)

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"I have something very important to tell you," Jellal said slowly.

"Yes?" Erza asked.

"I made a mistake," he whispered.

Erza's eyes widened, Is he breaking up with me? That explains his attitude in the guild hall..

Seeing Erza's watery eyes, he continued, "Your last name. I shouldn't have given it to you. It suits you too well, to the point it's cliche."

(A/N: Do you guys see where this conversation is going? xD)

"Scarlet?" Erza whispered, She felt as though her heart had broken. Her last name was her pride, and reminded her of Jellal's sweet, inner-self. "W-what would you change it to?"

"Fernandes," he replied, smirking. Jellal quickly turned on his heel and ran back to the Fairy Tail guild.

"What do you mean by that?" Erza asked, not sure whether to blush or not. "Come back here, baka!"

"Gotta catch me first!" he taunted.

Sometimes, he acts like a little kid..

"Requipt: Flight Armor!" she shouted.

"Don't kill me!" Jellal whined. "Otherwise I won't be able to explain to you!"

Erza ran forward and attempted to pin down.

"Missed!" he said happily, running into the guild

"Requipt: Heavens Wheel Armor!" she shouted, chasing after him. "Blumenblatt!"

Two swords shot towards the blue haired mage, pinning him against the wall, right next to Mira Jane.

"C-can you u-unpin me?" he stammered.

Erza nodded, and requipted back into her Heart Kreuz Armor.

(A/N: You guys ready for this?)

Kneeling down, he pulled out the small velvet box he had been keeping in his pocket. "I know I should be atoning for sins and I know I've killed Simon, ruined the Magic Council, enslaved my friends, built the R System, kicked you out of the tower, lied to you, and most of all; I've hurt you. Many times."

"How mushy.." Natsu muttered.

"Shut up!" Lucy whispered, punching him.

"But, despite that..I promise to love you and cherish you forever. I promise to do my best to make it up to you. Will you marry me Erza Scarlet?"

(A/N: *sobbing* I'm sorry, that proposal was very crappy! Don't kill me, I'm a little kid!! I don't know how people propose.)

Erza's jaw dropped in a very un-Titania way and she stared at him in shock. The guild got very quiet, and Jellal was getting very nervous.

"How long do you plan on giving me that slack-jawed look?" Jellal asked mischievously.




Natsu laughed nervously.

Erza gave him a gentle kiss, despite her reaction to his bluntness.

"It was about time," Ultear whispered. Meredy nodded in agreement as she struggled to hold up a fainted Mira Jane.

"This calls for a partyyy!" Cana announced.

"Yes!" Master agreed. "A pre-pre-engagement party!"

Jellal looked at his fiancee, "What does that mean?"

Erza smiled, "Just an excuse to have more parties."

"Can I be the flower girl?" Wendy asked.

"Me too!" Asuka declared.

"You can have my wedding dress," Bisca offered. "I'm sure it'll fit you!"

"I want to be a bridesmaid!" Lucy and Levy chorused.

"Erza, leave it up to me," Mira said smiling. "You and Jellal can get some peace and quiet."

"Jellal?" Erza whispered. Blushing she asked, "Can we have strawberry cake at our wedding?"

He kissed her cheek, "Of course!"

"But first we need to get first place in the race!" Erza said.

Jellal face-palmed, "I forgot about that.."


Authors Note:

Hey minna!

Did you like the chapter? I hope you did! This is not the end of the fanfic, in case you're wondering. Jellal and Erza still have a couple more adventures to go through together.


— TheFairyHunter

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