Bits and Bobs

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First off, I want to thank everyone that's stayed with me until the end and has read the whole book.

It has been a pleasure writing this, and I hope you enjoyed it too.

In this story, we witness many events unfold from Y/N and Valeriya becoming agents to Y/N being kidnapped and tortured, the death of the deeply loved by everyone Lorenzo, Y/N's attempts in escaping, her plans, Y/N slowly falling in love with Jimin, Jimin falling in love with her, snippets of the relationship between Valeriya and Jungkook and her part of the mission, Y/N getting close to Hoseok, finding out he is her brother, Y/N being kidnapped by Jackson, Y/N falling into a coma, her parents dying, the Institution falling and being reformed by Namajoon, Jimin and Y/N's adventures abroad, Jimin becoming the mafia king, and last but not least, their future 10 years later.

A rollercoaster of events that would leave you wondering what else is there left to happen.

So, let's start from the beginning and how our two main characters met.

Jimin and Y/N were childhood friends and met through their parents as they were neighbours. There was a seven years gap between them, so that meant until Jimin's last days in Korea there was nothing romantic going on between them. They were simply two good friends that shared the same love for each other: their first childhood love.

To make it clear by saying childhood love, I'm not referencing to anything romantic wise. Love takes many forms, and theirs was a unique one as their friendship was one of a kind.

They became somewhat closer when Y/N began dancing with Jimin, being her dance partner and tutor. He volunteered for this position himself since they knew each other initially and he didn't mind helping out someone, especially when it came to dancing. The childhood and teenager Jimin differs drastically from the one you mainly get to see in the book. Eventually, his good side comes to show, but with great difficulty seeing how life has treated him before and how the walls he built himself were almost unbreakable.

Upon Jimin's mother's death, his attitude towards life changed, and so did his morals. He lost everything when he moved abroad and decided to bury his past. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to do that, and in the end, he was brought back to the place where it all began. The reason him and his father moved away was that the Min family (Y/N's parents) went after them. His father shared his burden with them and how he didn't know how to leave the mafia, but in return, he was betrayed by the people he trusted most.

The person that dragged him in the mafia in the first place was Jackson's father. Of course, all because they needed money to save Jimin's mother, but once he got in, there was no going out. There was one day when his father tried to bargain his way out with Mr Wang, but this only seemed as another betrayal. Mr Wang helped him when he needed it, and when it was over he wanted to just run away. That wasn't how things worked around there. The betrayal was too hard to carry, so Jackson's father attempted to murder Mr Park, to end up paralysed by a shot fired by Jimin's father at the end.

From then all Hell went loose.

Before leaving off to America, Jimin had already been set to marry Isabell, and their engagement was created.

Coming back to Y/N's family, the existence of Hoseok was never known to anyone except to her parents. It was a precaution they needed to make for the greater good. Everything was in their plan until the unforeseen happened: Y/N and Jimin fell in love.

Then it all went downhill. Their own daughter choosing to side with the enemy, making everything much more complicated.

Of course, everything that unfolded had more or less an effect on every character. Jimin planned to have world domination all along, and in the end, his empire was built and pretty real. All characters have been through a lot even though, we didn't get to see the life of most of them. For this reason, I've been thinking of making this into a book series with sharing the life of each six main characters in individual stories.

For now, I can't think of anything else that needs clarifying, but anything you want to ask will be answered, as long as you leave your question. Once more, thank you for reading, and I hope you'll stick around to check out my other books once I publish them.


New edit

So, I've found something that I hadn't mentioned before and that was the reason why Isabell signed the divorce papers.

Basically, when she didn't agree the first couple of times Jimin found what he needed to threaten her. Isabell was adopted as her mother was told she couldn't have children but eventually she had her brother later on. If anyone found out that she wasn't biologically theirs there would have been uproar in the clan as she was supposed to be the next leader. For this reason, she signed the papers. To keep her identity hidden.

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