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Crystal white clouds, sun rays radiating through the windows, and cold champagne that left your lips craving for more. This was the perfect way to end a successful night and to greet the new day, awaiting the arrival in Korea.

Despite it being a long journey the waiting was worth it

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Despite it being a long journey the waiting was worth it. I would have never thought I'd miss Korean street food as much as I did during our stay in America and Russia. In addition, I couldn't wait to see Valeriya in person. We hadn't seen each other since Mission X, and I longed for a friend's hug so badly.

Looking out through the window the view was as serene as it could get and to some extent, there was this jealousy and uneasiness in my chest, the wish for my life to be as serene as this place. Unfortunately, it was impossible... However, this only made the moment more memorable, as those serene moments didn't last forever we had to cherish them for as long as we could.

It wasn't until Jimin tapped me on the shoulder that I realised how long I've been staring out into the sky.

Jimin: Need a refill?

Y/N: Go on then.

Jimin poured some more champagne into my glass and sat opposite of me, raising his glass for a cheer.

Jimin: To our win.

Y/N: To our win.

4 hours later

As we were getting off the plane I received an abundance of messages from Valeriya telling me she couldn't wait to see me. It had been so long even my heart began racing from excitement.

Jimin: FINALLYY!!! I'm done with planes for the next year!!!

Y/N: Why? It looked like you were enjoying yourself playing games and drinking alcohol for all of eight hours.

Jimin: I did but I can do that at home as well.

Y/N: Fair enough.

Jimin: Let's get out of here. Lucas should have brought the car.

Once we left the airport and headed towards Lucas I heard the loudest shriek ever and I could never mistake the person from whom it came. When I looked to the right I could see everyone waiting for us and Valeriya was stood right in the middle of the group, smiling like an idiot. As soon as I saw her I began smiling like an idiot as well and dropped all my belongings to embrace her in a hug.

Jungkook: Hyung, class Y/N as gone for the night. There's no way you're getting her back now. I hope you've enjoyed your time.

Jimin: Too bad the same goes for you, Kook.

When Valeriya and I eventually separated tears were evident in our eyes. Everybody else had greeted each other and were waiting for us to stop being babies so we could go.

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