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10 years later

Jimin: I'll go see if anyone's arrived because it's about time.

Y/N: Wait. Can you take So Young with you?

Jimin: Sure, what about the boys?

Y/N: You can take them as well if you want.

Jimin: Yeah, why not? We'll go to the beach for a bit before checking.

Y/N: Okay, I'll go bring them down.

Jimin: No need, love. WHO WANTS TO GO OUT WITH MEEEE???

Y/N: Oh my God!!!

So Young: MEEEEEE!!!

Ji-ho: I WAAAANTT!!!

Kang-dae: Don't forget meee!!!

The kids came running down the stairs, Ji-ho almost tripping up over Kang-dae, whereas So Young had already sprinted down to her father's side.

So Young: I win!!! Na na na na!!!

Kang-dae&Ji-ho: Not fair!!!!

Jimin: Alright, let's calm down. To me, you're all winners. Now, let's go and see if any of your uncles and aunties have arrived.

Before they left, the children gave me a hug and Jimin planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. Once they were gone I told Miss Jane our main housekeeper to start prepping some of the food as I cleaned the mess the three devils did.

Miss Jane: But, Mrs Park, why don't you tell Ara or Jason to clean up after them, so you can go get changed?

Y/N: It's okay. They can help you and the others out because we have a lot of guests coming. Plus I just need to put the toys away.

Miss Jane: Thank you, Mrs Park. I'll let it slide because it's summer and when you go back to Seoul you have no time to do this.

Y/N: Hahaha, sure.

Miss Jane has been with us from the beginning and always scolded me for doing her job when she was here. Although, I couldn't help it... When I got pregnant with So Young Jimin explicitly forbid anyone out of our inner circle finding out about the baby because it was going to change everything. Bringing in children into the mix was a risky action because people saw them as easy targets. For this reason, Jimin bought a private island where we could stay for the first couple of years. Yes, an island... Miss Jane was working on a full schedule but once we moved she only worked 3 days a week. Jimin and I shared all responsibilities for the house and it kind of became a competition of ours: especially cooking...

Sometimes, Jimin did leave for a couple of days and once So Young wasn't as dependant on me, I did as well. After all, the mafia had to be run and we had to take turns. Especially after Jimin's influence grew and reached the Albanian mafia and the Ndrangheta. By this point, he began building an empire, slowly becoming the ruler of the underworld as a whole.

Then, I got pregnant again... So, we spent quite a while on the island. Our friends and family, of course, visited and so did we, but we had to be very careful when and where we met up. When the twins were born we did the same as with their sister, but when So Young turned 6 and it was time for her to start school we moved back to Seoul because I didn't want her to miss out on that experience. Oh, the arguments we had with Jimin about letting her study in a local school... But, in the end, I got what I wanted, so it was all well.

It'd been a year since So Young started school and in another year it was going to be the boys' turn, meaning we weren't going to be visiting the island as often. This year we came here for the summer, and we probably were going to do this for the upcoming years. Jimin and I loved this place as it held so many precious memories of us and the kids, but our return to Seoul was inevitable.

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