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3 hours later

I was finally done with everything: cooking the food, making sure the house was clean if someone decided to stay over and prepared the dining room. I even had spare time, so I made a dessert because I was bored. I was satisfied with what I came up with because desserts unlike cooking savoury dishes were my strength.

 I was satisfied with what I came up with because desserts unlike cooking savoury dishes were my strength

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When Jimin came down, I was in the living room changing the place of the cushions on the couch

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When Jimin came down, I was in the living room changing the place of the cushions on the couch. I wasn't aware of his presence until I felt a hand on my back so I turned around.

Jimin: I knew this would look good on you.

I wanted to slap him so badly for smirking triumphantly, but I suppressed those thoughts and stepped to the left.

Jimin: But you should avoid bending like that when our guests come.

Y/N: Really? A longer uniform wouldn't have hurt.

Jimin: Don't start being smart with me. It's pretty simple. Just obey me.

I didn't have time to answer him because as soon as I opened my mouth the doorbell rang.

Jimin: Would you look at that. They're here. Go and invite them in.

Y/N: Of course.

I left him in the living room and walked over to the door. When I opened it, I wasn't surprised to see Hoseok before my eyes. He smiled genuinely and walked in. Before we reached Jimin, he stopped me.

Hoseok: What the Hell are you wearing? It's too short.

Y/N: Don't you think I know. Just go along with it. Who's idea do you think it was?

Hoseok: I can't believe he's making you wear this...

Y/N: I can it's Jimin.

We walked in the living room and Jimin walked towards Hoseok to greet him. While they were talking, there was another ring on the door, and I had to go and greet the other anonymous guests.

Y/N: Of course you'd be invited!

Jungkook: Is that how you greet me? How rude!

Y/N: As if you deserve better.

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