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The piercing cold wind surrounded me as I was trying to open the door with my fidgeting hands, and when I finally did, I rushed towards the living room to turn on the fireplace. It took a couple of minutes for my body to adjust to the temperature of the abode, but when it did, I was able to relax on the couch. You would have thought that the weather should be great; warm and sunny, since it was almost the end of May, yet there was something about today that wasn't right. It rained half of the day, and it was freezing outside. Maybe I was overthinking it? The weather was just weather, it wasn't like it could predict anything of that sort...

I decided to distract myself with something and soon found myself in front of the fridge taking several ingredients out. I made something quick firstly because I was starting to feel hungry and secondly because I couldn't be bothered to stay long in the kitchen. Once I was done eating and cleaning up I sauntered to the enormously big couch and sat down observing and listening to the crackling flames coming out of the fireplace.  

After staying a couple of minutes in silence, the peace was disturbed by the almost inaudible raindrops hitting the windows. As I heard the sound of their impact with the glass I was reminded of the conversation I had with Hoseok and how he asked me for a favour.


20 minutes ago

Hoseok: We need to talk about Lucas.

Y/N: Lucas? What about him?

Hoseok: So I know he's been around you lately, and I want you to be cautious when speaking with him.

Y/N: Why? Has something happened?

Hoseok: You could say that...

Suddenly it started raining, and it was not until then that the drive to the mansion lost its tranquillity.

Y/N: You were the one that told me to make him my acquaintance in the first place. Stop being vague and tell me what exactly happened.

Hoseok: Yeah, I know... And I don't have a problem with you being involved with him or anything like that because I told you to try and live your life... Ughh I don't even know what I'm saying! Technically I told you to go out with him because you need some kind of happiness in this dull position you're in and I approve of him but he's been acting a bit surreptitiously lately. I know I shouldn't think that way but I can't help but feel sceptical of his behaviour.

Y/N: Hold on hold on. What has he done to raise your suspicion?

Hoseok: Jimin informed me of your little encounter with Jackson and since he implied there's a snake in the nest I started thinking of who that would be.

Y/N: You think it's Lucas?

Hoseok: I'm not sure... I knew something had changed in the way he acted and I thought it was family-related and it still could be but I'm doubtful. He missed a couple of meetings we had and he's been rather attentive of Jimin.

Y/N: It could have been a family emergency Hoseok... As for his behaviour towards Jimin, I don't know.

Hoseok: Jimin helped Lucas when he was at the bottom. Jimin was the one that brought him out of the dark place he put himself in and it would break me to find out he's the traitor. He's practically family even though sometimes he doesn't attend everywhere we go. That's why is so hard to believe what my mind is speculating.

Imagining Jimin helping anyone but himself was an onerous thing to do as I didn't think he was capable of showing compassion but maybe I couldn't see it and he still had good in him.

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