Second try

545 24 2

1 month later

Jennie's view

Valeriya: I just don't know what to do. I feel like I'm losing hope.

Jennie: Don't talk nonsense! I'm sure she's fine. We already had this conversation with you one month ago.

Valeriya: There's no way she wouldn't have contacted me if she escaped or if he let her go.

Jennie: She might have left the country to save herself. You don't know what happened neither do I. Plus Jungkook might have lied to you.

Valeriya: He wouldn't have.

Jennie: And how exactly do you know that? Men would do anything to get you in their bed and manipulate you so don't start believing him so easily. Your job is to put him in prison and what you're doing right now is becoming closer to him but is it really benefiting you in any way?

Valeriya: I'm only doing it to get enough information.

Jennie: Make sure it stays that way. We've put our trust in you so don't disappoint us.

Valeriya: I won't.

Jennie: That's what I want to hear. About Y/N we can only hope she's fine. You know I tried my best but I guess I'm not good enough.

Valeriya: Don't say that. You were so close last week. That means that you're as good as them. Since you started working here no one's been able to hack into our systems so I'd say you're a damn genius.

Jennie: If a compliment is leaving your mouth that means it's true haha.

Valeriya: Yeah well that is the last time you'll hear me flattering you.

Jennie: And the snake is back haha.

Valeriya: Gotta live up to my name. Anyways what happened with Yoongi? I thought you had some dirt on him but since last month you've not said a word.

Jennie: I-I was wrong.

Valeriya: Really? You've never been wrong how did that happen?

Jennie: Well, I found out that he just didn't have time to ask for authorisation to the files and just took them as soon as he was done with them he put them back.

Valeriya: What did he need them for though?

Jennie: To check their criminal records and keep an eye on them now that they were back on the street.

Valeriya: Sounds convincing enough. I guess we shouldn't have doubted one of our own.

Jennie: Mhm.

We continued talking about various topics, not only work, for around another hour. I hated lying to her about Yoongi but I had to keep everything a secret. No one could find out. It was enough that Yoongi knew and I didn't know how which scared me. No one was aware of that, so how did he manage to put his hands on that information?

He was someone I definitely I didn't want to piss off. It also saddened me to see Valeriya struggling to find Y/N. This could also affect her mission and no one wanted that now that she was the only one we had contact with since Y/N went under the radar. I hated to admit it but even Y/N's parents were starting to lose faith and think she was dead. Valeriya used to get information from Taehyung but for the past month, he'd not said a word about Y/N which made her worry even more.

We tried everything and it wasn't paying off. Jimin was on another level... I genuinely didn't know if there was a chance of beating him, unfortunately, I couldn't tell Valeriya that, or she'd lose focus and fail her mission. Jungkook was an easier target only because his work was sloppier compared to Jimin; however, he was still as dangerous and she had to be cautious around him. Hopefully, we weren't wrong about Y/N and Valeriya and they truly were the people to put an end to the mafia.

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