The alliance

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The gentle breeze, against my skin, was strangely therapeutic for my mind. Even though physically I was here, my thoughts were located elsewhere. Time flew by once we left America and I didn't even realise it'd already been 5 months. I guess that could be for the fact that for once actually everything was going alright. For once life seemed on the same road as me and the pace had finally slowed down to meet mine.

Jimin and I began building up our relationship again as we had a lot to work on but it was worth it. Our story wasn't meant to be the beautiful, marvellous one you hear in the fairy tales, but it was ours, and that was what made it unique. There were still times where I doubted him, and he doubted me; however, it was understandable, and what was important was that we were trying. There were efforts on both sides, and that was what made the progress between us. Plus, Isabell was out of the picture and no one could stop us.

Valeriya and Jungkook were doing fine as well, having resolved the issues between them. They were already back in Korea as they returned from England a couple of weeks ago. We kept in contact through that time period, since Jimin had sent Jungkook to London to build connections. As far as I was aware everyone else was doing fine too. Beth was abroad studying, Lisa was still doing her music and everyone else well they did the same as always.

After we left America, we found ourselves in Russia for work purposes if you got my drift. Jimin was determined to expand on his connections since in Korea he was doing just fine, and having more connections would secure his place when the clan meeting was to be formed, which was not far off from happening. He knew that if he got the support from the most feared modern-day mobster, there would be no one to stand against him in Korea. Jimin wanted to do it nice and steady, to simply piss off people by becoming more powerful each day. First, start from individuals and then move onto whole organisations.

So, here we were... Trying to figure out a plan to attract his attention. Five months of attempts and failures, five months of strategies and ideas, yet we had made no progress. Every time we were close to success, something would always happen. There would always be a predicament of which we didn't think. It was mind-boggling how that guy could cover-up his marks and hideouts, so we would be met with a dead end. No wonder he was the most-wanted person right now and no one could get him...

If our plan went accordingly I was going to talk to Jimin about his methods of gaining power. If he wanted to last he had to change a few things, and it was time for me to tell him. As I was thinking of a way to serve this information to him I felt someone wrap himself around me from behind.

Jimin: You need to get ready. We have quite a night ahead of us.

Y/N: What happens if he doesn't care? What if he just lets the person die?

Jimin: He won't.

Y/N: I hope you're right...

Jimin: You don't mess with people from his family, and if you do then you need to run.

Y/N: Yeah. Cause that leaves us in a great position, doesn't it?

Jimin: Everything will be fine.

Y/N: We should have come up with something else... But we don't have time and this is an opportunity that could change the whole game... There is no turning it down.

Jimin: Exactly. Now go get dressed. I got you a special one.

Y/N: You know I already chose my outfit.

Jimin: Yes, and if you still prefer yours after you try mine then fine. First, go and check it out.

Y/N: Okay.

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