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Valeriya: You found her? Where?

Taehyung: I found her at a place I wish she wasn't.

Valeriya: Just spill the beans.

Taehyung: There is a mafia leader who just returned to Korea. His name is Jimin, and he is a vicious person. I don't know what's she done, but if it's a deal with him, she has found the worst guy to do that with. It's like making a deal with the devil. She doesn't know what she got herself in to. The chances of us being able to help her are one to a hundred. Do you understand how bad the situation is?

Valeriya: There must be something we could do. What if we prove he kidnapped her?

Taehyung: I think you don't understand. He's impregnable. Plus we don't know if he did.

Valeriya: Have you lost your mind? She wouldn't voluntarily go to him. So what you're saying is you can't help me get her back.

Taehyung: Don't put words into my mouth. I'll try my best but Jimin isn't any other guy. You'll see what I mean when everyone starts talking about him. He's the future.

Valeriya: What the Hell are you talking about? What future?

Taehyung: I've said enough over the phone. Once I know anything else I'll tell you. For now, be glad that he hasn't killed her because that's an option too. I'm sorry Valeriya. Don't get your hopes up too much in case something happens.

Valeriya: Thank you.

Taehyung: Anything for you.

End of call

Now what? I couldn't let Valeriya down but how could I help Y/N? There was no way he'd give her up without a fight. Why was it always them? They made everything so much more complex than it had to be. The people I used to trust most could now be classed as my enemies. I had to think of something before it was too late for her too. I wasn't going to make the same mistake. She shouldn't be in the mafia no girl should.

End of Taehyung's view

Valeriya's view

What was I going to do? I needed to save her. I was sure her disappearance wasn't a part of the plan. She would have informed me beforehand. Two plans came up in my head. 1st was to tell the chairpeople and then proceed. If that didn't work then I'd find a way to use Jungkook. He was close with Jimin so he must have known. 

After a long debate on what to do, I decided to go to the Institution tomorrow after work. I was coping with school somehow, but I wouldn't have been able to cope without Y/N in general. The weird thing is that even Beth started skipping, or should I say missing lessons because she had to work too. We barely showed our faces there anymore. Despite my overloaded brain with information, sleep was overtaking me, so I went to bed trying to forget for a second about all the problems we had.

Next day

Another day with no news from Y/N. The school was over for the day and now I had to go to work. What was more, I couldn't find anything suspicious he was doing. Jungkook was acting as if he wasn't a mafia leader, which made my job harder. I still haven't checked if he had a secret passage, but that was because he was always in his office. 

I was walking inside the building, people waving at me as usual except for one particular face: IU. I've not spent a great deal of time in this job and she already started to get on my nerves. I decided to find some information about her too because she kept spending time with Jungkook and her excuse was "I'm his secretary". What a load of bullshit. There must have been a reason behind her actions. I just had this feeling that she was someone who was going to bring a lot of trouble. The moment she found out I was going to be his personal assistant, her attitude towards me changed. 

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