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Valeriya's view

I could feel my eyelids shutting down with each second passing. Even the coffee next to the other dozen cups of coffee couldn't keep me awake anymore. That bastard gave me so much work I could had stayed the whole night, and still had things left to do and he didn't even care.

His reaction was quite the opposite; he enjoyed it. For the past week, he was checking on me every now and then to make sure I was working and not sleeping which annoyed me a lot. Not only I had to do other people's jobs but I had to have him around after working hours as well. Weirdly enough today he was in his office the whole time and didn't check on me even once. Not that I wanted him to because every time he did he'd come out with a stupid joke or statement to which I was impartial.

He was the last thing I had to worry about when I had not heard from Y/N for a month. It'd been a week since I talked to Taehyung and today marked a month of Y/N's disappearance. The last option I had was talking to her parents and asking for help which I had not done only because Namjoon and Yoongi told me not to; however, I wasn't going to postpone it any longer because anything could happen without me knowing about it.

I shook away all negative thoughts and checked the time. It was 3 a.m. already, no wonder I was zoning out. I got up and headed towards Jungkook's office to let him know I was going home. As I opened the door I was greeted by a hilarious view of which I wish I took a picture. Jungkook was hugging the plant on his desk whilst drooling all over the paperwork. He looked so peaceful and endearing that I didn't even notice my feet strolling over to his chair. I wondered how such an adorable face could be the mask of a monster on the inside.

I didn't know if I should wake him to tell him I was leaving or just leave him to sleep so he wouldn't blame me for disturbing his slumber. The second option seemed more appropriate so I decided to go home, but before I did that I grabbed his coat off the coat stand and put it over him. As I was about to turn away I felt a grip on my wrist and I was yanked backwards only to fall on Jungkook's lap and meet his drowsy face.

Valeriya: What the Hell Jungkook?

Jungkook: Leaving without saying goodbye?

Valeriya: You're unbelievable! Let me go!

Jungkook: What if I don't want to? What are you going to do then?

Valeriya: I can show you if you want.

Jungkook: Do you know how hard it is to stay focused when I know you're around the building wearing that?

Valeriya: Wearing what? It's what I usually wear.

Jungkook: Exactly. Every day is painful for me.

Valeriya: Get a grip Jungkook. I need to go.

Jungkook: You'll go when I say you can.

Valeriya: As if I'm going to listen to your nonsense. You need some time to clear your head.

I managed to get rid of his grip and almost escaped. Almost... He didn't waste a second and picked me up and placed me on the desk, pushing everything that was placed there on the floor.

Jungkook: Why are you playing hard to get? You've been working here for a month and a half now and the only thing you do is ignore me. It's making me go crazy!

Valeriya: I'm here to work Jungkook not to shag my boss.

Jungkook: You're quite brusque in your speech for 17 years old.

Valeriya: I'm not brusque I just state the truth no matter how offensive it can be.

Jungkook: You still didn't answer my question though. You're ahead of yourself if you think you'll be able to resist my charms for much longer.

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