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Jin's view 

I left the others and strolled through the crowd to find my next prey, which didn't take me long. There was someone that I spotted that was familiar and quite intriguing. I decided to wait a bit before I went up to her, so I sat down on one of the chairs beside me.

 What I didn't see at first was that she was with Valeriya and her friend. I wondered if Jungkook and Jimin knew that they were here. I also saw Taehyung after around 20 minutes, which Jungkook wouldn't have been happy about.

 Taehyung saw me but we didn't approach each other because it wouldn't have ended well for both of us and we knew better. I wish things weren't like this. I wish we weren't like this, but our situation said otherwise. 

After a while, a girl came up to me and interrupted my thoughts.

???: Hello, handsome. What are you doing all on your own? Are you waiting for someone?

Jin: Yes, waiting for someone and that someone isn't you.

???: I see... Well, I'm sure you won't mind me keeping you company for the time being, right? By the way, my name is Lee Ji-eun but you can call me IU.

Jin: I don't think I asked for your name but okay.

IU: You don't have to be snappy after everything I say you know.

Jin: I don't think I asked for your opinion either...

IU: Fine I won't bother talking to you but remember one thing: we'll see each other again soon.

What an irritating woman. She was beautiful indeed but so full of herself... Why couldn't women understand when they had to leave you alone? Her statement that we would see each other soon wandered in my head, and I wondered what she meant by it...  I was not looking forward to that. Then I got a text message that I definitely didn't expect.

Taehyung: What are you doing here?

Jin: That's Jimin's club. You still have my number? I thought you deleted it? I'd advise you to get going because if they see you here it will probably end in a fight.

Taehyung: I'm here for my girlfriend's birthday, so I'm not going anywhere. They better not make any scenes I don't want to ruin the night for her. And yes, of course, I still have your number. I refuse to erase you of my life. After everything we've been through I still class you as my friend even if you don't. Same goes for the others probably with the exception of Jungkook because he doesn't want to do anything with me.

Jin: You know they've changed, you have to expect anything. I won't tell them you're here, but if they see you I can't do anything. I warned you.

Taehyung: We all have changed that's the problem. Thank you, but I'll be fine.

I left my phone inside my back jeans pocket and looked around to see where Beth was. I could tell she was already drunk and her friend next to her was in the same condition maybe worse. Valeriya and Taehyung were next to them talking and on the other side, I saw Jimin approaching a girl. 

They started dancing, then making out and probably went to one of the special rooms afterwards as expected. On the other hand, Beth and that friend of hers disappeared as if they weren't even here and that led me to look for them. It took me another 5 minutes to find them and I saw her friend talking to some guy whilst Beth was looking around unbothered. I approached her and sat on the chair adjacent of her.

Jin: Are you enjoying yourself, Beth?

Beth: Oh my Goshhh what are you doing here?? Anddd to be honest not really. The only good thing about today is the al-cohol.

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