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Valeriya's view

His blatant stare suddenly made me reluctant about my decision and more anxious than before. The atmosphere became so tense, I thought I was going to pass out any minute, yet his eyes looked like they were boring straight through me like if I'd just become an invisible object. It concerned me that he had nothing to say. Did it upset him that much or did he simply not care?

Valeriya: Please say something...

Taeyong: What do you want me to say Valeriya?

Valeriya: Anything... Don't stay silent. Talk, yell if you have to but don't give me the silent treatment.

Taeyong: It's Jungkook, right?

Valeriya: What?

Taeyong: You're leaving me for Jungkook, aren't you?

Valeriya: Jungkook? No... Why would you think that?

Taeyong: Don't lie in my face. I've seen how you both look at each other... The only thing you need to do is answer. I'm not asking a lot from you.

Valeriya: Taeyong... Jungkook and I are complicated.

Taeyong: Mhm... He always makes everything complicated...

Valeriya: What is that supposed to mean?

Taeyong: Nothing...

Valeriya: I don't want to keep you in the dark... Don't get me wrong I do like you-

Taeyong: Just not as much as you like him.

Valeriya: I'm sorry... I thought I'd eventually stop feeling that way towards him but I haven't and I don't want to hurt you any more than I have already done...

Taeyong: Don't be sorry. I expected it.

Valeriya: You expected what?

Taeyong: I expected you to choose him over me. I just thought I had a chance.

Valeriya: But you did...

Taeyong: Obviously I didn't. Especially with Jungkook in the picture...

Valeriya: I lead you on and I apologise. But you brought light back into my life, you made me smile, you gave me warmth despite it being for a short while and I thank you. I'm sorry I couldn't do the same for you...

Taeyong: But you could... You were already making me the happiest I've ever been.

Valeriya: It wasn't going to last Taeyong.

Taeyong: If you say so...

He abruptly got up off the bench and manoeuvered himself towards his car until I reached out for his hand preventing him from taking another step.

Valeriya: Please don't do this... Stay... We don't need to finish things in that way.

Taeyong: I need time Valeriya. I can't do this right now... Just leave me alone for the time being.

His tone of voice had completely changed from gentle and weak to angry and assertive. I'd never seen him that serious about something in the time we had been together, and I never thought I'd hear this cold voice coming out of his folds. This was when I knew I lost him. Tonight was when he scratched me out of his life perhaps temporarily, but by the looks of it, it was going to be permanent, and I was the reason. Only because I gave into Jungkook... Would things have been different if that night simply didn't happen or would have it been the same?  I felt like tearing up but nothing left my eyes. There was only anger and that anger needed to be released. I was aggravated at the world, at Jungkook but mainly at myself.

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