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Lucas: Shhhh!!! Do not let him hear you!


Lucas: Keep it down if you don't want me to tape your mouth!

I nodded my head in agreement as I couldn't take off his hand of my mouth.

Lucas: I know you have questions, and I have the answers, but first you need to calm down... Good... Now, let's talk.

Y/N: What is the meaning of all this, Lucas???

Lucas: I'm sorry you had to be involved in this... I tried keeping you out of their plans, but they wouldn't listen.

Y/N: Whose plans?

Lucas: People that want Jimin brought to his knees...

Y/N: And you're supporting them? How could you betray Jimin???

Lucas: I haven't... It's complicated, and that's why you need to trust me.

Y/N: I'm not trusting you until you tell me what exactly is happening.

Lucas: Right... You know some people want you gone as well? Especially people that see you as a threat.

Y/N: Well, people need to grow a fucking pair!!!

Lucas: Jimin has many supporters, but he has many enemies as well. I'm here to expose them and make the road for him clear. So technically I'm not betraying him. It may look like it, and I may have done a couple of things to prove my "loyalty" to the other side, but it was all with a good intention. Can you please believe me?

Y/N: So... You're telling me you're trying to help Jimin by leading him into a trap here, but it's actually a trap for the apparent people?

Lucas: Exactlyyy!!! I'm sure he won't come here alone, but I'll warn him in advance once the time has come. Until then, I need you to trust me and go along with everything unless you want the plan to fail.

Y/N: Are you hearing yourself? You're using me as bait!!!

Lucas: It wasn't my idea. That's how they want to lure him in... They know he cares about you, and I've seen how he looks at you, so they're not wrong. Maybe if I didn't have to do this as a living, and we lived in another universe, I would have been the one to look at you that way...

Y/N: Lucas...

Lucas: Anyways... It's not the time for this. I'm happy as long as you're happy. And if that means leaving you to Jimin then be it. I'll still keep you as a good friend, right?

Y/N: Of course you will; that's if Jimin doesn't kill you when he sees you.

Lucas: I'll take my chances. I've vowed to be by his side until the end, and that means do what's necessary whenever's necessary.

Y/N: Why didn't you tell anyone?

Lucas: Sometimes deception helps in situations where people wouldn't believe or wouldn't support your idea.

He was right about one thing. Deception worked wonders, especially in my case.

Y/N: Why are you telling me all this?

Lucas: In case I don't make it, I want Jimin to know why I did it. I want you to tell him that I wanted to expose his enemies. Tell him that I wanted to make his work easier by getting rid of them. Tell him that I never even thought of betraying him.

The Mistake [ Jimin FF ]Where stories live. Discover now