Kidnapped 2

502 21 13

My limbs felt numb. My breathing was shallow, and my head was throbbing like Hell. I was laid down on a cold surface that for some strange reason fell like ice. I attempted moving around but to my dismay, my hands were tightly chained making me unable to move them. Still, I managed to make slight progress by inching in my back to the nearest object, or so I thought I would. What my back touched was no object, it wasn't that far away from where I moved in the first place. I felt a grubby surface that radiated an arctic feel as if I was put on a glacier. It was only then that I figured I was in a freezing container. Who the Hell put me in a freezer???

Some time passed and I was finally starting to feel the coldness piercing through my skin to the core of my body. I was trying to think of a way to make it out of here, but nothing came to mind. My hands were tied, I couldn't see a thing and I was probably going to freeze to death in the next couple of hours taking into account the temperature that wasn't as low as it normally would be. I was starting to get frustrated until I heard voices coming from somewhere.

???: Is she awake?

???: We don't know. Since we put her in there we haven't checked on her.

???: Do not let her die!!! We need her alive.

That voice... It sounded so familiar...

???: She has a couple of hours if we keep her in there.

???: Then you take her out of there before she freezes. Do I have to do everything? I'm not paying you to mess up my plans. Understood?

???: Yes...

???: Once she has regained her strength you put her back in the freezer.

???: Yes Boss.

???: It will take him some time before he finds her, so we need to go through the plan again and make sure everything goes according to it.

???: Yes Boss!

???: Good. I'll check on you in a couple of hours.

End of Y/N's view

Jimin's view

Fuck! Why did she have to be so obstinate!!! As if I didn't see them flirting... And she thought she could pretend it didn't happen and lie to my face!!! I swear to God is she wasn't home when I got back she'd be in big trouble!!!

I turned around to search for Jungkook, but I was met with Valeriya's vehement stare.

Jimin: What?!

Valeriya: What the fuck Jimin???

Jimin: Give over Valeriya. Just continue with your party and don't get involved in my shit.

Valeriya: Oh really?

Jimin: Yeah really.

Valeriya: I swear if you don't go after her and fix what you've just done I'll break you in two!

Jimin: Listen, Dear, you're sweet but I'm not going after that irksome creature.

Valeriya: DON'T talk about her that way!!! I don't care how fucking high your pride is, you're going after her!!!

Everyone around us kept silent as if they were waiting for me to explode. Humans were such an imbecile creation... They were waiting for a second show and I was going to give it to them.

Jimin: Don't test me Valeriya. You're playing with fire and you'll get brunt!!!

Valeriya: Pftt!!! You had to fuck up everything, didn't you???

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