We meet again

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Hello! This is a special update for my best friend's birthday because she wanted me to post the second chapter. The third chapter will most likely be posted during the weekend but I can't promise. Hope you enjoy it and happy birthday again best friend I know you'll be reading this!!!




Jimin's view

Jungkook wasn't long and came back with the girl, which made me wonder if her friend would come as well. I didn't know why I was thinking about her, but there was something different, something unique that drew me into her and what I liked I got, no matter what. Suddenly, my thoughts got disturbed by Hoseok who came back and brought Jin with him.


Jin: Jimin's friend from 7 years ago (met him through Jungkook)

26 years old

Works as a guard

Hobby is photography


Hoseok: Jimin here's your phone.

Jimin: Thank you, Hoseok.

Jin: Aigooo!!! You're finally home, brother.

Jimin: I know I can't believe it too. I see you've brought a friend with you.

Jin: Yeah she's one of my personal ones. But if you like her I'll gladly share her with you. You know I'll make an exception for you, or I can just offer you another one I've got some good ones.

Jimin: I appreciate it hyung, but I think I've got my eyes on someone.

Jin: I can tell and it's not only one.

Jimin: You've not changed. Always the joker.

Jin: Neither have you. Always the playboy.

Jimin: Whatever Jin!

Hoseok: So you're telling me that I left you for not even ten minutes and you found some hot chicks and didn't even think of sharing one of them with me. How disrespectful! I'm deeply offended!

Jimin: Will you stop overreacting, I'm sure they'll have someone for you as well. Right, ladies?

Girl 1: Yesss we do. Let me go bring her, but don't do anything without me I won't be long.

Girl 2: Of course. Now hurry up, I'm sure the gentleman doesn't like to wait.

Jin: So Jimin, how come you're back?

Hoseok: You won't believe it at first!

Jimin: Well I might be opening a club soon however that's not the main reason. As you already know, my father had retired from the business two years ago and I've decided to expand it. I'm bored with America now and I've done everything that I had to do, so I can cross it off my list.

Jin: Are you for real? So you'll stay here permanently?

Jimin: I wouldn't say permanently. I'll stay here until my work is done then I'll go somewhere else.

Jin: I see. I actually thought you were finally gonna stay here. Although I get it after what happened. That's why I was surprised I thought you didn't want to do anything with Korea anymore?

Jimin: That's what I thought as well but it's just business, after that, I'll go.

Jin: So why are you here? Why not England, or Russia?

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