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2 months later

Y/N's view

I couldn't believe it was the 6th of September!!! If only Valeriya and I hadn't been involved with this crap, we'd be in our last year before university. We used to make plans where we would go together, and now all this looked so naive. It was a shame none of those plans would work out the way we intended. Literally, everything went downhill in 2020... 

Despite all, I had always been the one to look on the positive sides as onerous as that could sometimes be. I could tell Jimin was attempting to change things between us, but it was hard for me to believe that I would ever trust him. During those months I grew to appreciate the nice gestures Jimin did as allowing me to go out, asking whether I needed anything, however; he was still his occasional self: drinking, moody, bringing hostages every now and then... I didn't understand why he had to do all this in here. During the nights I'd hear objects being thrown in his room, or his office and that was because he couldn't control his stupid temper. 

I had no desire in interfering so I'd leave him to it and ask him in the morning and he'd say everything was fine. I knew that was a lie, but I couldn't pressure him, or he'd lash out on me. It felt impossible for me to understand him, which was a massive barrier between us that I needed to get past. I needed to do that if I wanted him to fully trust me and inform me of his plans. The downside of me getting closer to him was that the attraction I felt towards him became more fervent. I despised myself for feeling that way. But I tried... I tried so hard to see him in a negative light and for some time it did work but living with him, getting to know him and eventually finding the apparent reason for his wrongdoings couldn't allow me. He was still a human being, in desperate need of help to find his way back. The problem was that I was unsure if I wanted to help him and even if I did he'd end up in one place only...

I was weak for letting myself fall so low. I liked my kidnapper, a killer, a person that almost sexually assaulted me and here I was still drawn towards him. My soul was urging me to trust him, to help him, to see beyond the mask he put upfront. Why? I'd been asking myself the same thing for months... I was never the one to be attracted by bad boys. That was Valeriya. Jimin was different though. I didn't know why, yet but I could sense it.

Since we were on the topic of Valeriya: no wonder she fell for Taehyung and Jungkook... Taehyung was sweet and kind, but he had his dark sides, and people didn't like seeing him agitated. He was always the one to pick a fight. And at the end when we found out he was in the mafia, things were starting to make sense. Despite all, he loved Valeriya and by the looks of it, he still did because he tried to keep in touch with her and made an effort. However, Valeriya wasn't a person that could be easily persuaded or manipulated. When she decided things were over that was it; there was no turning back. She did love him but she had to move on. Then Jungkook came in the picture and not long after Taeyong complicating everything. Jungkook was the main issue...

He got to her, and that was what made me anxious. He was exactly the kind of guy that would swoop her off her feet. He changed her. She no longer was the decisive one, nor could she control her emotions. I didn't know how he did that, but he definitely left a mark. She was so conflicted for the past 2 months not only because of everything that had happened but the events after that. She told me all about it and how he gave her a month off work for no reason. Then 2 weeks he was gone and now for the past two weeks, she'd been abroad with her parents. She was so out of it they decided to give her a break. 

If you ask me the whole thing with being in a relationship with Taeyong wasn't going to last long. I wanted her to be happy and all, but she wasn't. She was going after what she couldn't have and tried to substitute it with something else. This method never worked for her, and it wouldn't be successful now, especially with Jungkook around. 

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