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Today was the day when we had to go back to Seoul and return to our normal daily routines. The weekend we spent at Deagu has surely contributed positively not only to our mental wellbeing but our friendship as a group. It was something we've never done and certainly should have. After all the commotion in our lives, the small but memorable snippet of relaxation and happiness was all we needed. Now, that we had to go back we simply had to remember that taking a break from everything was needed once in a while.

Before setting off we decided to pop down to the nearest fast-food restaurant and have something, so we wouldn't drive on empty stomachs. When we left the house Taehyung assured us that we'll be coming back and that he'd be happy if we filled this house with good memories spent together. We all hoped that the next time we come here it would include everyone.

Driving down the path of the house we bid our goodbyes with the tranquil scenery and headed towards the heart of the city where bustling streets and groups of people awaited us. As soon as we found the fast-food area we stopped at the first restaurant our eyes identified and bought almost the whole menu. Once we were done with eating we went for a last walk before leaving the city.

Apsan Park was quite close to where we were, so we walked there and spent around 30 minutes chilling on a bench. No one really said anything as just our presence was enough. Alas, that silence was broken by Valeriya because she exclaimed something we didn't think we'd hear.

Valeriya: That's Yoongi!!! Guys, I see Yoongi!!!

Taehyung: What??? Where???

Valeriya: Over there...

She pointed to the trees which were interlinking with each other that made it difficult to observe as Yoongi went into the tree maze. Despite that, Jungkook got up and began walking his way until Jimin caught his arm and prevented him from moving further.

Jimin: Leave him.

Jungkook: Like Hell, I'm going to leave him. He owns us an explanation!!!

Jimin: And he'll give us one when he's ready. Obviously, he's hiding here and you catching up to him kills the whole point...

Taehyung: He's right... Daegu is his hometown, and he only comes here if matters are serious. Maybe we shouldn't get involved?

Y/N: It's not our place. I'm sure there's a valid reason for his actions, but we'll have to wait to find out. Let's not push things.

Valeriya: Push things? It's been two fucking years!!!

Jungkook: Exactly!!! I wish he could just speak to us and not hide things...

Jimin: So do we... But that's his way of managing his life, and we can't do anything about it...

Lisa: I know I don't know this person, but I think it would be better not to go after him if he's hiding...

Taehyung: Let's just return to Seoul, we have enough on our plates...

Jungkook: True... The meeting is happening, and we need to prepare.

Jimin: Let's get going... We need to meet up with Hoseok and Jin.

Leaving the park we entered our vehicles and began driving to Seoul. Strangely, there wasn't much traffic on the motorway, so we were going to arrive earlier than expected. My ride with Jimin was spent in silence once again, but this time I felt anxious for going back. There was this ghastly feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it definitely wasn't the food we had. As I continued staring out of the window, I felt Jimin's hand graze over my leg, pulling back to reality.

The Mistake [ Jimin FF ]Where stories live. Discover now