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After what felt like an eternity, we arrived. It took us an hour which was bizarre because most clubs were located around the same area, but that one was almost in the middle of nowhere. The fact that there weren't many buildings around rose my suspicion, but it was probably a strategy to stay away from their competitors, after all, they were a new club. When we got out of the car we saw a massive queue, making Beth get all worked up.

Beth: Ughh, look! There're so many people we'll be waiting forever.

Y/N: You really thought I didn't make a reservation? When have we waited in a queue?

Valeriya: Exactly!

Beth: Yeah but in the other clubs we're regulars and here they don't know us.

Y/N: They don't need to know us, money works just fine.

Lisa: Let's go in then.

I went up to the guards telling them my name and in no time they led us to our private booth. We weren't with the VIPs just because I didn't want to meet any of the knobheads there, but still, we were in a private area where we wouldn't have been bothered.

I had to say this club was well made. The furniture was excellent, and you could tell it was quite expensive, the atmosphere was alluring which was important if you wanted your customers to stay and the style of the music kept changing to satisfy everyone's taste. With just looking at the surroundings, I could tell the owner was well-off. Of course, everyone was wearing costumes as intended as well.

I was in a trans for a couple of minutes as I took in the semblance of this place until Valeriya broke me out of it.

Valeriya: Guysss, let's go to the bar.

Y/N: You remember what happened last time right?

Valeriya: Don't worry, Taehyung is here.

Lisa: He is here now?

Valeriya: No he'll come in thirty minutes.

Lisa: I can't wait to scold him for not coming to work!

Y/N: Okay then. Let's grab some drinks as we wait for him.

Initially, I got a cocktail because I wanted to go on the hard stuff later, and so did the others. The first time, we all got the same one, which was Mourge-A-Rita Cocktail. They even made the names meet the Halloween vibe. There was a lot of effort put in their opening, and I was impressed along with the others.

 There was a lot of effort put in their opening, and I was impressed along with the others

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After we had our cocktails, we headed to the dance floor. I was having so much fun since I always loved dancing and we didn't even notice when Taehyung came.

Taehyung: Good evening ladies.

Valeriya: Babyyyy! What took you so long?

Taehyung: I had some things to take care of.

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