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Y/N's view

2 weeks had passed since Jimin told me to not to step foot inside his building. He was very clear about it, but I still went there. You were probably asking why... I knew it wasn't my sharpest move but I couldn't just stay at home. I had to find a way to expose him even if it meant putting myself in danger. After all, it was my job to do so.

However, whenever I went there, he didn't show up. The other days I only managed to see him when he was coming in and out of the building. Not that I wanted to anyway, but it was weird because of his sudden change in behaviour. I managed to note down all the weapons that he had in stock and the ones that he had ordered. I also managed to get the information as to where he was trafficking the women and the details about the drugs he was selling. The women were being transported to other clubs around Korea and America as well. With regards the drugs, he was selling the usual ones but he was trying to invent a new type too, which would last longer than the usual ones.

He went to a lot of clubs where he always came back with a girl and to meetings with other mafias I suppose. I had been following every move he made to ensure I didn't miss on anything important and it was to no surprise that he was really close with Jungkook, you could just tell by the way they acted around each other.

For the short time I'd been following him around, I already grew to despise him, and couldn't wait to expose him and see him rot in jail. I had enough information, or so I thought, but I wanted to see if I could find anything else. For that reason, I decided to go there today as well. I'd not told my parents about everything yet because I needed more time to find out about his past. I knew it wasn't my job to do that, but I wanted to know the reason behind his actions. Something must have happened to him to become like this.

Today I was going to sneak into his office. I'd been planing it for the past week because he always guarded it and I was sure there would be something that could help me there. I was gonna go there around 4 am because most of the times he was gone by 2 am. I knew where every guard stood, all exits, all cameras both hidden and not. Everything was perfectly planned and nothing could have gone wrong.

A couple of hours passed and it was time for me to go. The night was chilly, and there was fog all over the place as if it was a sign something could go wrong, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Once I was in, I checked if Jimin was there too. As expected he wasn't, which was what I wanted, but he needed to hire better security if he wanted to succeed in anything! They were either really bad at their job or I was just too good at mine. Anyway, it made my job easier, so I wasn't complaining at all.

It really amazed me how people could become heartless and do horrendous things. I just didn't get why they would do that! Was it that easy to turn into a horrid person? Let your heart be consumed by the dark? All kinds of thoughts were roaming through my mind, but I had to get what I came for in the first place. As soon as I entered the office the smell of alcohol hit me. He must have just left because the Vodka bottle was almost empty. Despite the fact that it smelled like rank, everything was neatly organised from all files to his pens. Everything had a perfect place. I wasn't surprised though because I could tell he looked like he had more of a sophisticated persona with a great taste in alcohol. When it came to Vodka I couldn't even deceive myself: it was my weakness. As it wasn't the time to think about alcohol I snapped my fingers in front of my face and my eyes started roaming around the room when I saw all the plans on one side of his desk.

All my presumptions were correct, not that I doubted them anyway. He was going to use the underground floor for black marketing and the building as a club, but not just any club! A club where all the mafias would go and gather. A place where no one would want to go because it was basically all evil in one place. I couldn't let this happen... He wanted to be the ruler wherever he went, and Korea was his second stop. The only thing that caught my eye that was connected directly with him was a picture frame on top of his fireplace. I gazed around the room again and I could tell by just the material used for his furniture that he spent a fortune and that it was wiggling between modern and classic style. Unfortunately, there was nothing else that I could link to his past except that frame. What was weird was that on the picture it was him, and what looked like his parents. They seemed to be a happy family. I couldn't understand what led him to be like this now. Maybe he was simply a spoiled brat!!! I was about to lift the frame up to have a closer look when I heard a voice. Oh no...

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