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Jimin's view

I took the bag that was put over his head, looking him dead in the eyes as I motioned him to talk, however, he had other plans in had and just stared at me trying to challenge me. My patience was starting to get lost and that meant something. Usually, it would have taken longer for me to get irritated by someone, but I guess he was an exception.

Jimin: If you want to live I'd suggest you speak.

Jackson: I'd prefer not to talk to you if I am honest.

Jimin: I'm not asking you, and I didn't give you an option. Speak!

Jackson only chuckled at my reply and squinted his eyes as if scrutinising my appearance.

Jimin: Who is the rat, Jackson?

Jackson: You'll have to find out on your own. You'd be surprised at how many people despise you for ruining their lives.

Jimin: Obviously not enough to bring me down if I'm still standing here.

Jackson: The time will come don't worry.

I couldn't understand why he was doing this. I always sensed he wasn't on my side but I never found out why.

Jackson: I'm warning you, people will come looking for me so it'll be better to let me go.

Jimin: Or I should kill you right now and rid the planet of your damned soul.

Jackson: Both you and I know you're not going to do that. I'm too valuable. Killing me won't gain you anything since you'll still be oblivious to who is conspiring against you and I'm your best shot at finding out. Am I wrong?

I motioned some of the guards to come over where I was so I could tell them what to do with that rascal.

Toby: Yes Boss.

Jimin: Find out a way to shut him up I don't care how. I'm going back I can't deal with him now.

Kayne: Of course Boss. Should we let Hoseok know, or are you seeing him?

Jimin: There's no need.

Then Jackson interfered in the conversation making my blood boil, for the guts he had to even speak.

Jackson: I knew you'd gone soft. It's the new chick, isn't it? What an effect she has on you! I gotta say she must be a goddess in bed to make you lose your focus. I'll have so much fun with her and I'll make sure you're a witness. I've seen you enjoy yourself like that before, so I'm sure that'll satisfy you, right?

I had to bottle it up. I couldn't let him get to me! Why did he have to bring her into all this? I swear she has done so much damage without even noticing and doing anything!

Jimin: You can do whatever you want with her but the problem is that you won't be able to get her. What's mine is mine and no one else can have it.

Jackson: You'll be thinking otherwise when you hear her screaming my name in pleasure.

My hands unwittingly formed into fists, the grasp of the material of the pockets that my hands were in, almost ripping out of vexation. Thankfully before my right hand had launched at Jackson's mandible, Kayne one of the guards lunged at him. He's always been so protective of my name and my properties. That was one of the reasons why he was such a loyal bodyguard. He never let anyone say something that would slander my reputation. One of my best men!

Jackson was sat unconscious on the chair that we had tied him on, with crimson liquid slightly dripping out of his mouth as I was making my way to exit of the unoccupied building we used for Jackson's imprisonment. It was too obvious to put him in one of my cells underneath the mansion since he's probably told a lot of people about my location. Bastard! I needed to get more security around. Ughhh!!! Bloody Hell why did everything have to be so complicated? Couldn't they have just accepted that I decided to continue my business here? Stupid pricks!

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