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We spent quite a while talking about Taeyong, and it sounded like she was genuinely interested in him. I didn't know what was going on in her mind, but she had made the decision to go out with him, and there was no turning back. With regards Jungkook, I didn't know what to expect once he found out about those two. I saw how he looked at her on my birthday, and no one could deny that he liked her. He was mesmerised by her and absolutely infatuated. Hopefully, things weren't going to become bad once Jungkook found out because he wasn't just any other guy.

The fact that he was so obsessed with Valeriya was one of the reasons why she had to be cautious around him, and now that the person he wanted, was with someone else he could lose it. The only thing I could do was hope Valeriya had everything figured out. Various scenarios kept repeating in my head until I heard my name being faintly whispered a few times. I was dreading talking to them but it was obligatory. It was going to happen sooner or later. The reason why I didn't contact them was that I didn't feel like it. They've been nothing but pretentious and annoying for the last month.

I walked to the low bridge they were standing at and couldn't perceive even the slightest joy of seeing me. All that was written on their faces was disappointment.

Mum: Where have you been?

What a nice welcome I received! Not!

Y/N: I don't know, maybe in the same bloody place I've been trapped for half a year. Does that answer your dull question mother?

Dad: We've not come here to fight Y/N.

Y/N: Right. Get to the point then.

Dad: You've been absent for half a year now and the school has been questioning that.

Y/N: So? What's your point? I can't really go back, can I? It's a bit impossible, don't you think?

Dad: Exactly the point. So your mother and I have decided to drop you out of school for the time being. You only have one year left anyway, therefore, when everything is back to normal you can finish your education.

Back to normal? The chances of that happening were low...

Y/N: Yeah, fine. It's not like we have any other choice with the current situation.

Dad: Right, so we'll say you've gone abroad for work experience. Working as a fashion designer assistant or something.

Y/N: Mhm.

Mum: Let's get to the important bits now... As we can see Jimin is letting you go out and it's not like a couple of months ago. What happened? It can't be a sudden change of heart?

Y/N: He simply trusts me more.

Dad: That's great news! At least one thing you've accomplished.

Y/N: Huh! What did you expect? That I was going to meet him and BAMM I know everything about him and we can imprison him?

Mum: Of course a mission like that would take time... But you're not just any other agent Y/N. We expect more of you because we know what you offer. You can do much better.

Y/N: It was going to be way easier if you just let me kill him.

Dad: No! We've talked about this. He's more valuable alive. He knows everyone and everything about them. Killing him won't do us good. We'll still have the other clans to think about.

Y/N: Does it matter? His clan is the most dangerous so why not kill the head of the snake?

Dad: Stop questioning my methods! I've made my decision. Just do your part and stop being such a burden!

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