Fail 2

500 24 3

Y/N's view

JIMIN!? That piece of shit! I was going to end him if he did something to Valeriya!

Y/N: Val-

The connection broke down... They must have taken her phone or smashed it. I couldn't believe him! Why was he involving her? She had nothing to do with him it was me whom he wanted. I had to get her back... He would have killed her on the spot if I didn't go back. There was no other option but to call for help. I dialled the first number that came to my mind and prayed to God that they'd pick up.

???: Who's this?

Y/N: Mum It's me. I need a backup.

Mum: Oh my Y/N! I knew you were fine. We sure taught you well. Everyone thought you were dead you put on quite the show.

Y/N: What the Hell mum? Are you acoustically disabled or something? I need help NOW!

Mum: How did you escape from Jimin? Did you gather enough data about him?

Y/N: Listen, Mother. Jimin has Valeriya and I need to find her then I'll find a way to transfer the data.

Mum: Your dad will not approve. Do you have the data with you?

Y/N: No I couldn't take my notes with me but I know what he's been doing. 

If I didn't lie she would have kept going on about the data when that was not as important when my partner's life was on the line.

Mum: You need to go back and retrieve it no matter the consequences. Do you know his location?

Y/N: No I don't even think I'd be able to go back on my own. I don't remember the route.

The annoying thing was that I could only remember the path from the house to the forest but that was about it.

Mum: How do you expect us to help Y/N? Your father and I are not in the country. He wouldn't want to send more people when it's obviously a trap. This mission is yours and you need to find a way to finish it without involving more people. That would only put the Institution at risk.

Y/N: You're not serious right?

Mum: You and Valeriya have to do this on your own. If you fail on your first mission our image will be damaged! Your father and I have worked too hard for you to mess everything up now.

Y/N: Screw your image MOTHER!!! I will find a way with or without your help. 

Mum: You have to learn Y/N. Gain his trust or something. He is not an easy target nor is Jungkook. Both of you should have been more careful and you wouldn't have been in that situation. No matter how long it takes: months, years, you have to destroy them. You knew what you were signing up for, so get a grip. If you weren't capable we wouldn't have sent you. 

Y/N: You're unbelievable! And when I thought I could rely on your help.

Mum: I'm sorry darling. I can only advise you not to die and I know it sounds ridiculous but I cannot do anything else neither can your father.  We cannot risk sending backup. There is a reason why we only send either one person or duos on missions and that is to keep everyone safe.

Y/N: I'm wasting my time. Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me ever again but I'll try to provide you with the data. Goodbye, mother.

I didn't wait any longer and hung up on her. I genuinely thought they would help... What was wrong with them? Did they not see me as their daughter? Was I just a minion for them? Ughh! I had to do this. She was right, it didn't matter if I died because that was my job and I knew there was a possibility of this happening, yet I went along with it in the first place. 

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