First day

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Valeriya's view

It's been like half a day, and Y/N hadn't contacted me which was unlike her. I was starting to get anxious. What if something happened with Jimin?  I knew that she should have just stopped when she got enough information, but no she had to find more. For now, the only thing I could do was hope she was alright. Maybe if I talked to Namjoon and Yoongi they would have been able to do something... I couldn't just stay and do nothing. Something was wrong, I could sense it, but I was going to wait until our training.

Despite my worries, I had to go to work. I had no excuse to miss it, plus I had to spy on Jungkook. Therefore, I started getting ready for work and remembered that I didn't check our hidden place. How could I forget? She must have been there the whole time, so I managed to calm myself down.

After 1 hour

It was time to go inside this horrid building. My "amazing boss" was awaiting me. I needed to find a solution to this mission. One, because I needed to prove I was the best at doing my job and second because I didn't like him at all.

I entered Jungkook's office and greeted him.

Valeriya: Good morning, Boss.

Jungkook: Good morning Valeriya. How are you?

Valeriya: I'm fine.

Jungkook: Are you not gonna ask me back? Is that how you greet your boss?

Valeriya: Ughh! How are you?

Jungkook: I was great until you ruined my morning with your bad attitude!

Valeriya: What attitude? I just didn't think it was necessary to ask you.

Jungkook: It's been two weeks since you started working here. You should have learned by now. My well-being is your primary responsibility. Understood?

Valeriya: Yes, Boss.

Jungkook: Good girl. Now get back to work. We'll have a meeting in an hour and I'll need you to make notes on everything our guests say.

Valeriya: Anything else?

Jungkook: Yes. You look amazing as always.

My outfit:

Valeriya: I already know that, but thanks

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Valeriya: I already know that, but thanks.

I went inside my office and started going through the meetings that we'd have.

After the first meeting, Jungkook told me to get him another coffee because he was tired so that was what I did. When I got his coffee I was about to head back to him, but bumped into someone.

IU: Oh my Gosh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen.

Valeriya: No, it's okay.

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