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2 weeks later

Since that evening where Jimin had me pinned against a wall, he hadn't been around me that much. His behaviour was arbitrary and onerous to predict. It created a conflict in my mind trying to analyse his whole goal, but I couldn't understand what his actions were supposed to mean. Whenever Hoseok or Lucas was around me he'd come as well and send them an intimidating stare. Was it me that couldn't comprehend the whole situation or it just didn't make sense? 

He's barely spoken to me, yet he wasn't letting me have a simple conversation with Hoseok or Lucas. Hoseok who's been beside me from the beginning, trying to make my stay seem a bit more pleasant than it was. He was his right hand, so I didn't understand why he acted that way towards our closeness as it was nothing more than a friendly relationship. I couldn't care less if he was jealous, or just being a dick as per usual since almost every night he's been coming home full of hickeys and lipstick all over his shirts. I swear it triggered something on the inside of me. I knew I had an attraction towards him, but I didn't think it would get stronger. 

I couldn't help but wonder why I felt this familiarity whenever I looked in his abysmal eyes. It was one of the reasons why I couldn't stop thinking about him. Everything felt like it was right, like being by his side wasn't treacherous. It was more torturing knowing I had developed feelings for him than Jimin torturing me himself. I thought Lucas could be a fine distraction and for a while, it worked even though we weren't doing anything more than being friendly with each other. It helped me get my mind of Jimin until that night where he was that close to me, I was going to explode from all the tension. 

The thought of him has been haunting me, and I couldn't do anything. Why did I care if he had someone? Why couldn't I stop thinking daftly? He already warned me that all this was a game to him... So why did I keep feeling that way? How was I supposed to make him fall in love with me without me falling in my trap? My parents told me to do anything to find my way around him.

 Apparently, the data that I gathered wasn't enough as I didn't find anything about their "grand" plan which was only an inference in the first place. I was fatigued by this whole mission; however, Valeriya reminded me why we were here: to do what was right. Although was it right? Was I as innocent as everyone thought? Was I a good person, or was I rotten on the inside too? My mind was overwhelmed with all sorts of questions to which I couldn't answer. I started to question my sanity because it felt like I was slowly losing it. How did Valeriya manage to keep her head straight? She's been subtly distancing herself from Jungkook and it made her realise that she could prevent getting hurt by him. Why couldn't I do that? Why did I come up with that ludicrous plan? Why was I so weak, so pathetic and naive? 

An almost inaudible knock on the door disturbed my pondering. I looked myself in the mirror one more time and scrutinised my appearance before I made my way to the door. When I opened it, I was greeted with a person that was radiating happiness.

Hoseok: I came to check if you were ready but I can see you are. You look stunning as always!

 You look stunning as always!

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