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2 months later

Valeriya's view

I was on my desk doing what I usually did with the exception that I was checking if Jungkook had gone out of his office. I needed to check his phone for anything suspicious. I'd been doing it for the past month and a half, and I found that his dad's condition was getting worse and he was still trying to find a way to keep him alive. At least that was what he told Jimin. That way I was also able to see his contacts and who he was most in contact with and I wasn't surprised to see that it was Jimin. What I hoped to find was any information about Y/N, but I had no luck at all. Jimin didn't mention her even once. That didn't make me lose hope though. 

I had to say Jungkook wasn't as stupid as I thought. He wasn't using this phone for anything else than the company's work. Anything related with the mafia he probably used a burner phone. So I had no luck in finding anything else about his mafia business. Pro and I were almost able to find Jimin's location but every time we were close he was able to lock us out of the network or block the connection. I didn't know where he got his people but they were brilliant at what they were doing and it really pissed off Pro. 

What amused me was that Y/N's parent took the fact that she was missing fine. These 2 months have been so hard without her. The person who I told all my secrets and burdens, the person who was always there for me, the person who made me laugh was gone and it broke me.  Plus school was getting harder as there were exams all the time and I had barely time to study now that I was working and spying and trying to find Y/N. The only good thing that happened these 2 months was that Jungkook put me back on normal working hours. He was still irritating and flirty but I got used to that side of him. 

What I wondered about was if there was another part of him that was gentle and nice, not his arrogant and horny one which I happened to see all the damn time. There were times where I found it amusing how he managed to be like that all the time. It was annoying but at the same time attractive. If only he wasn't a part of the mafia maybe I could have given it a try but that was not the case. Taehyung and I kept in touch and he was informing me that Y/N was still alive whenever he got the chance to see her but that she was always in slight bruises which hurt me so much. That was why I wanted to find her sooner but even Taehyung didn't know Jimin's whereabouts. Even if he did he wouldn't have told me and going in Jimin's club wasn't an option one because of Jungkook second because I wasn't a part of the mafia. Nevertheless, keeping in touch with Taehyung wasn't going to do us any harm nor change our relationship because there was no way we were going to get back together. 

I thought I wasn't going to get over him, but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Probably because I was concentrated on other things than my love life... I still missed, him he had an important part in my life but all things would come to an end at some point. 

Today was almost finished and my co-workers were leaving the building. IU and I haven't been on good terms since the last time I saw Jungkook and her together not that I cared anyway. I tried to avoid her as much as I could because I couldn't stand her. The way she clung onto Jungkook was ridiculous. You could just tell that she was desperate. What displeased me more was that Jungkook didn't tell her anything. What is more, he kept calling her to go to his office every once in a while. What a slag! I didn't know why Jungkook wasn't concerned about her? Who knew with how many people she had slept. As I was talking about him it reminded me to check his phone. I didn't see him leave his office but I might have missed the time he went out so I got out of my seat and walked towards his office. When I entered there was no one inside. 

His phone was in the usual place awaiting me. I took it and started scrolling through his contacts until I found Jimin. As usual, they were talking about whores and parties. They were perfect friends for each other. 

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