Mission X

442 18 13

2 years later

Snake: Over here!!! Pass me the machete!!!

I threw her the first machete which landed on the wall adjacent to her, perfectly timed for her to grab it and stab the guy in the lower neck. As she began fighting the other guard, I perceived another one of the bastards sneaking up on her.  Since I had one of the guards under my foot, desperately gasping for air, I took the chance and threw my second machete at him terminally eliminating him.

Snake: Thanks.

Talia: You're more than welcome.

Once we took care of the guards, we proceeded towards our initial target: Mr Choi. He'd been a pain in the back for a year now, and it was time to get rid of the problem, but before going any further we needed to know where exactly he was hiding. Valeriya pressed her earpiece and tried connecting to Namjoon.

Snake: Snake here. We need exact coordinates RM... Which wing? WHAT??? Talia and I are on our way!

Talia: What's going on???

Snake: He's escaping!!! Quick!!!

Talia: CRAP!!!

Wasting no more time we sprinted towards the left-wing where RM told us he was headed. As soon as we made it there, Mr Choi was visible.

Snake: Don't move!!!

Mr Choi: I'd rather rot in Hell than to adhere to you!!!

Talia: You will soon, don't worry.

He smirked at us indicating that he would either fight or flee and unfortunately it was the latter one.

Snake: Why does no one listen when you say don't move??? Do they hear fucking move???

Talia: It's okay. I've got him.

Just when he was about to jump out of the window at the end of the corridor, I took out one of my kunai knives and aimed for the spine, hoping that would cause him temporal paralysis. Fortunately for me, it worked and he fell right before his anticipated jump.

Snake: Good job, Talia.

Talia: Thanks, Snake.

Mr Choi was a vicious being that kept trafficking women and children, and we'd been trying to catch him for the past year. Finally, we managed to do so.

Talia: Well, Well, look at the invincible Mr Choi... You're not so invincible after all.

Mr Choi: Someone will eventually put you in your places!!! Your reign won't last long!!! People are looking for you!!! Dangerous people!!! The whole mafia is looking for the two agents that go by Talia and Snake... Do you think you'll stay hidden forever????

Snake: Stop talking crap and let's talk business!!!

Mr Choi: I'm not betraying the mafia!!! There's nothing you can offer me that my king won't have offered me.

Snake: Your king, Mr Wang has lost his power! What are you going to do when the next king is chosen???

Mr Choi: Hahahaa!!! Mr Wang is not my king!!! Park Jimin is the mafia king!!!

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