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Jimin's view

Jimin: You're kidding, right?

Jungkook: Nope.

I was not impressed with what Jungkook told me, and it was just going to complicate the situation more. Y/N was enough of an issue and now her!

Jimin: Make sure you fix it. She needs to back off if you don't want me to get involved.

Jungkook: There's no need for that. I have it under control. Plus she wouldn't be able to do anything else except call the police on you and they're not an issue for you.

Jimin: How are you going to handle Valeriya then?

Jungkook: I'm building the trust between us so I need you to pretend like you release Y/N so she believes me.

Jimin: How are we going to prove that?

Jungkook: Text me.

Jimin: And that will help how?

Jungkook: I caught her going through my phone to see if you've mentioned Y/N and I'm pretty sure she'd do it again because she still doesn't trust me.

Jimin: Fine but don't you think it's rather suspicious that she was looking through your conversations? I'd start keeping a close eye on her. By the way, when will you understand she won't trust you? She dumped Taehyung for being in the mafia so why do you think you'll get through to her?

Jungkook: She's not a threat to us and because I'm capable of anything, and she won't be the first girl to reject me. I'm JEON JUNGKOOK.

Jimin: If you don't manage to get her in your bed I'll laugh in your face I promise you that.

Jungkook: As if she'll be able to resist me. On top of that, I bet she's so needy now that Taehyung is not there to please her. She'll fall for me slowly that's what I'm working towards. Besides she's on a 2-year contract with me.

Jimin: You know I don't give a shit who you fuck but your actions are only revenge based and it hurts me to see your and Taehyung's friendship go to Hell.

Jungkook: You're not wrong but even if Taehyung wasn't involved I'd still shag her. I mean HAVE YOU SEEN HER? Hurting Taehyung is just a plus and our relationship has already gone to Hell.

Jimin: Don't you think you already hurt him?

Jungkook: It's not enough. What I did, left a mark on me too but he needs to feel what I had to go through when I caught him betraying me.

Jimin: One day both of you will regret it.

Jungkook: I doubt it. He deserves everything that happened and that will happen.

Jimin: You're only making things worse.

Jungkook: Are you telling me you wouldn't do the same as me? Don't fool yourself. If what happened to me happened to you, Taehyung wouldn't be breathing right now.

Jimin: Not if they were happy together.

Jungkook: Keep telling yourself that. You'd have done the same if you were in love and then someone came and stole that happiness away from you. Ahh. That's right you wouldn't know that because you've never been in love. You're telling me to show understanding when you've always said that forgiveness is a weakness.

Jimin: Careful what you're saying Jungkook. If you're still angry and not over it, it's not my fault. Plus you never gave Taehyung the chance to explain himself and as for Eleanor it was too late and you can't blame anyone but yourself.

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