It begins

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Y/N's view

It had been two weeks since Valeriya's disastrous birthday, and things changed drastically. Valeriya didn't really show up for school anymore. She said she was poorly, but I knew that was not the case. Beth was a bit strange too. She told us about the Jin situation in the club and that she tried to leave her job but she was already on a contract and couldn't do anything about it.

I had not seen Lisa for a while, but I figured she had a lot of work, and I was worrying too much.
The school was fine because It had only been two weeks, so nothing really happened. The only time I got to see Valeriya now was when we were training. I was not saying she skipped school the whole two weeks, but she didn't come that much.

I understand what she was going through, or at least I was trying to. Taehyung texted me a few times to see how she was doing because she was purposely ignoring him. I could tell he was worried but it would be better for both of them if they just moved on.

Regarding Jungkook, I hadn't seen him and I wasn't intending to do so anyway. Through those two weeks, I'd been collecting information about Jimin and I'm telling you it didn't look good. I knew there was something up with this guy. I've been cautious enough not to get caught but there was this one time where he almost saw me. What I knew was that he was building an underground floor, where I guess it would be for stocking their weapons and drugs whilst using the upper building as a cover.

He was a new mafia leader that came from America to expand his business; however, he'd been in the mafia world for longer. He inherited everything from his father just about two years ago, but I think he'd been exposed to the mafia since he was 16 years old. The thing that bugged me was that I couldn't find the cause of their emigration to America. Something must have happened which I eventually needed to find out.

Today was Sunday, and I've been going through all the information that I've gathered. Right now, I was at mine and Valeriya's secret place because that was where I've hidden all the evidence and information about him. I even had my own investigation board. Valeriya didn't know about everything that I've been doing, but I was going to tell her today when I went to hers. And, no she didn't know that either. I was just going to show up because I could.

She didn't have a choice, we were going out, and I was not accepting no for an answer. Today we didn't have the training, so it was a day for chilling. I was putting aside the boxes of files about Jimin when one of them fell on the floor and everything inside it spread out. There was something that grabbed my attention which I didn't catch sight of before. On top of the folder was written Past. How come I didn't see it before?

I tried finding out about his past through various resources and nobody could find anything. I even got most of the information through the Institution and if they found out I'd taken copies of the originals I was going to get in trouble, but oh well. I was eager to open it and when I did I wasn't surprised. It was bloody blank!!! Here went my efforts to waste... So I was back to zero. No idea how he and his father got into the mafia, why they did, why they moved to America and what have they done there to be so feared by others.

My resources told me that everyone in America knew and feared them and even people in Korea started to be anxious about his presence here. The only thing I knew was that he was dangerous, the age he became a mafia leader and allegedly some of his intentions. I had all of his orders and payments on paper which was a bit helpful because I could assume what he planned. He bought a lot of raw material which was both for the underground floor and the upper building I presumed, a lot of weapons and a variety of drugs as expected. What I didn't know was why he bought three massive trucks and why he didn't hide his payments? Perhaps he was not afraid of getting caught, yet he'd managed to conceal almost all information about his past. Why would he do that? Thinking about this was overwhelming my mind so I called it a day and went to Valeriya's house.

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