First Impressions

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It was Monday morning again, and my daft ass alarm woke me up from my peaceful dream. I regretted not going to bed early, because I wasn't going to be able to focus on anything today. I wished I could just stay in bed and watch films, but my best friend would have killed me if I missed school, especially today because we had to present a project for History. Talking of the Devil, my thoughts were interrupted by my ringing phone. I guess she wanted to check up on me.

Y/N: Yesss.

Valeriya: Get your ass up right now I know you're still in bed. Hurry up and get ready I don't want you to be late again! We have History first period so make sure to be on time or you'll feel my wrath!

Y/N: Alright! Chill! What do you mean by late again??? I've been on time for the past few weeks!

Valeriya: Yeahh and you know why? Because your parents said they'll give you money for being on time!

Y/N: So what? The process doesn't matter as long as you get the result!

Valeriya: Whatever I don't have time to argue with you I need to do something more important and that is to get ready. Look nice today we have to show those cows at school who we are.

Y/N: Seriously, what do you mean? I always look nice!!!

Valeriya: Then look extra nice. I'll see you at school.

Y/N: See you.


Y/N: Imagine yourself but as 17 years old

Popular and has loads of friends but has only one true friend

Doesn't work

Dancing and drawing is your hobby


Valeriya: my best friend from 3 years ago

Popular and has loads of friends but has only one true friend

Almost 17 years old

Singing is her hobby apart from annoying me!

Doesn't work


She had issues that girl but I loved her! I looked at my phone and it was 06:41, meaning I had only 1 hour to get ready. Thankfully, my school was around 10 minutes away and I was going to drive, so everything was under control. I let out a frustrated sigh, got up and immediately went in the bathroom. While listening to music, I got in the shower and when I was done I put some makeup on and a smart outfit according to the occasion.

My look:

My look:

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