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Next day

On the phone

Y/N: Really?

Valeriya: Yes really! Have you not seen the size of it?

Y/N: And Jungkook told you tha-

Valeriya: I swear to God, Y/N! Yes, he told me.

Y/N: And you believed him?

Valeriya: Yesss and I think he's right. That'll be the best pool party!!! We've not done one for ages. We should enjoy the little things in life, right? That's exactly what we'll do. We need some form of content out of all this!

Y/N: But Jimin didn't tell me anything about a pool party.

Valeriya: Forget about it! If Jungkook said we're doing it then he must have spoken to him.

Y/N: What do you mean forget about it? It's his fricking house!

Valeriya: Be a little bad. Be selfish for once in your life and let yourself loose! You literally sound like a mum! Where's my wild Y/N? What did you do to the cool side of my best friend? BRING HER BACK!!!

Y/N: Stop overreacting!

Valeriya: SEEE!!! Okay mum!

Y/N: Alright. I get what you mean. It's just weird having a party with them.

Valeriya: It's nottt!!! It's not like they are strangers! You've been living with the man for half a year now. So... Are we going to have the times of our lives tonight???

Y/N: I guess so?

Valeriya: We're going to play games in the pool like find the treasure, volley, and drink cocktails, and then sleep outside or something.

Y/N: Did you just say find the treasure? 

Valeriya: Exactly what you heard. It could be anything from glow sticks to actual money. Then we see who's got the most treasures and maybe the losers play the yes game for 24 hours.

Y/N: I doubt they'll want to play this...

Valeriya: Believe me, they will. Those guys have not done anything else than kill, drink, and fuck. It will be a nice change in their monotone routine.

Y/N: You're right about that. So when are you coming?

Valeriya: Jungkook said we should come around eight.

Y/N: Is Taeyong coming?

Valeriya: It won't be safe for him... He doesn't know they are mafias.

Y/N: Yeah... I thought so. I'm gonna let you off now because I need to choose outfits and stuff, you know. Please don't look too sexy! From what I fathomed everyone is sleeping here so be careful being around your horny boss!

Valeriya: Don't worry it'll be fine.

Y/N: Yeah until you get drunk.

Valeriya: Byeeee.

15 minutes later

I hadn't even started getting ready, but I went downstairs to check with Jimin if this whole thing was happening. Not even a second after I stepped foot in the living room, I saw staff running up and down carrying boxes full of decorations. I guess that answered my question. I looked around the house, but Jimin was nowhere to be found, which made me conclude that he was in the pool area. As usual, I was right, but I wish I wasn't. Why on Earth was he only wearing a towel around his waist??? Who allowed him to do that? Why couldn't I stop finding him attractive??? Like, it wasn't healthy for me! I didn't realise I was staring at him until I felt a pair of cold hands on my shoulders.

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