No way out

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Y/N's view

It had been two days since I fainted trying to find a way to escape. I wasn't sure who brought me to the room, but it didn't really matter. Jimin mustn't have been impressed if he was the one that found me because I've not seen him since then, or he could have just had a change of heart and decided to starve me to death, which I found imbecile of him. There was no point of keeping me in here if he didn't have some use of it, otherwise, he should have killed me by now. 

Also, why would he have let me die from hunger when he would enjoy it more if he was killing me with his bare hands? Why was I even thinking of the way he wanted to end my life??? What was wrong with me? What I didn't get was why he was making me starve, when if he wanted to use me as bait to lure whoever he thought he would, it'd have been better if I was in a stable condition. 

Not that it mattered that much. I began to believe I started to think nonsense from hunger. What was more, Hoseok hadn't come like he said he would, but I didn't blame him. After all, he had to keep his life and job. My thoughts got interrupted by the sudden movement around the hallway, which was easily heard because I was sitting near the door. I moved back on the bed as soon as I heard the door lock clicking and I already knew who it was. Any other normal human being would at least have knocked, but no Jimin had to barge in carelessly.

Jimin: I'm giving you one last chance to change your mind.

Y/N: Why can't you see I won't yield?

Jimin: Why do you have to be stubborn? I don't want to make things that hard for you, but you're not helping at all.

Y/N: I suggest you give up because it's not going to happen.

Jimin: You won't be of any use to me if you're dead, so I suggest you start listening to me because you're walking on a block of thin ice.

Y/N: You're not scaring me Jimin. I couldn't care less for your suggestion.

Jimin: That's fine by me. I have my ways.

He was approaching me, and I could see there was something shiny in his hand, which grabbed my attention. What the Hell was that??? When he was almost next to me, I ran away aware of him for the fact that he had planned something.

Jimin: Stop running away. There's no escaping from me Y/N.

Y/N: Fuck you, Jimin!!!

Why was he chasing me? What did he want to do again? Did I have a choice? 

We were running around the room for 10 minutes until finally, he had managed to trap me to one of the walls.

Jimin: Got you.

I gave him a profoundly annoyed stare, and it looked as if he was in a trance for a minute. Not giving it a second thought, I pushed him and tried to get out of the room. After this, there was no way he wasn't going to torture me again, but before I could reach the door one of my hands was heaved back. Couldn't he let me be? Wasn't it enough that I was locked up here on my own???

When he pulled me back I decided it was time to fight. I wasn't going to let him do whatever he wanted with me. It didn't take him long to see the fire in my eyes, so he prepared. I started punching and kicking him but he didn't fight back. I knew what he was doing. He had a tactic, but it wasn't going to work. Trying to tire me by making me run and fight him like a madwoman... 

I immediately stopped in my tracks and looked at him with no expression on my face. He neared me but I didn't move because I wanted him to be in close proximity, so I'd be able to attack him. Once he was close enough I launched my fists at him. This time he wasn't holding back and used an upper cut to make me lose my balance. My head spun for a while, but his punch wasn't as strong as I thought it would have been. He was still holding back, and I didn't know why. 

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