The meeting

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Jimin: Are you ready?

Y/N: Yeah...

Jimin: You don't need to come with me.

Y/N: No. We've gone through Hell to get to that meeting and I'm not missing it...

Jimin: Are we going to talk about Hoseok and your parents at all?

Y/N: There's nothing to talk about...

Jimin: I can see you're hurting... Why don't you just talk to me?

Y/N: What do you want me to say???  I had a brother that I never knew existed... He was here the whole time, lying to us... My parents are dead and despite everything I didn't want that fate for them... I couldn't even say goodbye... My mum was looking straight into my eyes as her soul was slipping away... But at the same time, they tried killing me, yet I didn't want them dead. There. My whole life is a mess...

Jimin: Y/N...

Y/N: It's fine. Can we just go?

I tried moving past him but got stopped by his hand that he placed on my shoulder. We looked at each other and he knew I was trying to suppress all my emotions... How did I end up here? Why with him and why did my life take such a turn... If only I knew...

Wasting no more time, Jimin enveloped me in a tight hug that took all my worries and sadness away. I felt my tensed muscles relax at the touch of our bodies and my head automatically pressed itself on his chest, searching for the comfort it needed.

Jimin: Please don't shut yourself from me... It's you and me now. It's just the two of us and we need to be here for each other...

Y/N: Just us...

Jimin: Yes. You're my family, and I hope I am yours too.

Y/N: I'm so sorry...

Jimin: For what?

Y/N: For everything... For my family... For how I treated you as well...

Jimin: And I'm sorry for how I treated you... But we can't change the past. We did what we had to and thought was right of the time, and it was meant to be. Being sorry won't change anything.

Y/N: I know...

Jimin: If none of this had happened I wouldn't have met you again... So, I don't regret anything and you shouldn't either.

Y/N:  You're right.

Jimin: You're the best thing that's happened to me. We had it rough, but you pulled me out of the jail I put myself in and helped me feel again. You are my saviour.

Y/N: Thank you... For everything.

Jimin: And thank you. For being in my life.

Y/N: Let's get to that meeting and take what's ours.

Jimin: Damn right we will!

He took my hand in his and lead me down the stairs where Jungkook and Taehyung were waiting for us.

Jungkook: Jin apologises that he won't be able to attend, but they're releasing him tomorrow.

Jimin: He shouldn't apologise. I know he's with us.

Taehyung: Lucas is waiting outside, so I suggest we head out if we don't want to be late.

Jimin: Yes, I agree.

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