The Week I Had

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You know you've had a bad week when you've been avoiding your best friend the whole time. You know it's starting to get horrible, when you come home to your mother crying on the floor and your father storming out of the house. It gets downright nasty when you're woken up in the middle of the night by your mother having a panic attack.

I was tired by Friday- beginning to start to hate the day- and it seemed that Alison had had enough of my bullshit. The angry blonde was waiting by my locker, a new piercing on her nose and a bright pink streak in her hair. I hadn't even noticed her new accessories. I did, however, notice the pissed off expression on her face.

"I'm not in the mood." I muttered, trying to open my locker. Alison wasn't having it and slammed her hands over the green metal, giving me a harsh glare.

"You've been ignoring me," She said. "Why are you ignoring me?"

I sighed, "I'm not ignoring you! I just haven't seen you, is all."

"Then you're avoiding me. Why are you avoiding me?"

"Alison, I'm not avoiding you!" I exclaimed.

"I haven't spoken to you in a whole week, and when I try and call you, you tell me you're 'busy'." She hissed.

I sighed and gave up trying to open the damned metal locker, "Look, sorry my whole life doesn't revolve around you. Sorry that my minutes aren't spent thinking about how happy or sad you must be."

She scowled, "You know I don't mean that. And if you're not ignoring or avoiding me, you'll come with me to the studio tonight. I'll pick you up around seven." And with that, Alison flipped hair over her shoulder and walked away.

I couldn't get out of it now. How could I? Well, if my mom was sober enough, I could ask her to tell Alison I was sick or something. I mentally chuckled, HA! My mom wouldn't be sober. Nice one.


The doorbell rang for around ten minutes before the person- who I bet was Alison- gave up. The house was silent and I looked out my bedroom window to see the sun setting, pretty oranges and pinks filling the sky.

I was the only one home. When I had gotten home from school, dad had left and mom broke down crying. She got a bottle of Jack Daniels before leaving also, leaving me to my own devices.

Which resulted in me blasting 'Mama' by My Chemical Romance. The familiar beat filled my ears as I danced wildly around my room, holding my own bottle of liquor up. I didn't think as Gerard Way's voice sang about his horrible mother. Why were all moms horrible?

"Mama, we're all full of lies.

Mama, we're meant for the flies.

And right now they're building a coffin your size,

Mama, we're all full of lies."

"Aren't you supposed to be somewhere?" A deep voice asked from behind me. I gasped and turned around, coming face-to-chest with Andy.

I stepped back, hiding the bottle behind my back as I glared at him.

"How'd you get into my house?" I snapped. Stalker much?

"Your garage. You really need to learn how to close it." He said, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he eyed my room. I don't know why, though. He's been in here multiple times.

"Where's the rest of the band? Aren't they your minions or something?" I bit back, taking another step back. We were so close, I could feel Andy's warm breath over my face. Was that weird? I think so.

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