That Makes A Lot More Sense

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Maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to leave the guys alone downstairs where the knives were. I shivered at the thought as I army crawled into my parent's room, looking for Alison.

"Alison!" I hissed, getting on my knees to look over the bed. She wasn't there! Where the heck could she go?

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I rolled under the bed, putting my arm over my mouth to hide my panting.

"Where'd she go?" A husky voice asked and I clenched my eyes shut. They're going to kill me. It's the end of Morgan Hunter world!

"Morgan?" A voice whispered from next to me.

I let out a little scream before clenching my mouth shut and turning to my left to see Alison laying on the ground next to me with worried filled eyes. There was a huge scratch on her face that was bleeding, leaving a trail of red from her hairline to her cheek.

"Alison? What happened?"

She crawled under the bed and pressed her body against mine, "I heard you scream and I fell off of the bed. I hit my head on the nightstand."

I opened my mouth to say something when I saw two pairs of combat boots walk into the room. I watched with focus that I thought I didn't posses as they walked around the room before stopping right in front of the bed.

"We've checked every where." A gruff voice said.

"Not under the beds." Another voice said, a little higher than the first.

Alison and I stared at each other in horror as the two bent down, getting on their knees, before we saw two heads appear. I recognized them as the two short guys who were cuddling on the floor.

Before I could think, Alison suddenly let out an ear piercing scream and crawled towards one of the guys, somehow straddling him before bending down and doing something. I didn't really see as I crawled out from under the bed and scrambled to my feet, bolting towards the stairs.

I grabbed the banister as I raced down the steps, coming to an abrupt stop when a tall guy appeared in front of me.

"We're not gonna' hurt you." He said with a deep, husky voice.

I didn't say anything as he came closer to me, my hand clenching. Wasn't gonna' hurt me my ass! He freaking broke into my house. Once he was close enough, my hand swung out and I slapped him. His head jerked to the left and his eyes widenned in shock.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed, swaying to the side. Just enough space for me to squeeze past him.

Sadly, I had not foreseen him grabbing me and hauling me back upstairs.

"HELP! I'M BEING MURDERED!" I screamed as he carried me into my parent's room where Alison was still laying on to of the guy. The other one was in the corner, hugging himself as he watched Alison . . kiss the dude? What the hell?

" Alison!" I screamed as the guy set me down next to her.

She looked up at me with wide eyes, "They aren't robbers, Morgan! They're Black Veil Brides!"

I looked at her blankly, waiting for her to continue. They're brides? I'm totally confused.

She rolled her eyes at me, "They're my favorite band in the whole wide world!"

"Thanks, now get off!" The guy she was laying on shouted.

"Sorry CC." She giggled, rolling off of him and walking towards me, her eyes trained on the guy still standing next to me.

"Um, how'd you guys get into my house?" I asked, scooting away from the tall dude that looked really intimidating.

"Your garage was open and fans were chasing us. We got desperate and ran into your house," The guy smirked. "Don't worry, we closed it for ya'."

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