Bryon Who?

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I stood beside the stage, looking through the curtain to see the fans. They were all screaming and cheering, screaming "Black Veil Brides". Andy and the guys were downstairs getting ready. Suddenly, the crowd changed their chant to "Bryan Stars!"

"Who is that?" I asked in confusion and earned a slap on the cheek from Samm. I shrieked in pain, starring at my so called friend. "What the fuck?"

"How can you be dating Andy Biersack and not know who fucking Bryan Stars is?" She shouted.

"You don't have to slap me!"

"I was in the mood." She simply said and turned back to the crowd.

"Over there." I heard Muscles say from behind me.

I turned around to see Muscles pointing to where we were standing and two guys, one in a blue jacket and the other with bunny ears. They stood beside us, holding a camera and speaking to each other. I turned away, not the least bit interested, but Samm looked like she was about to die

"Samm?" I asked, poking her arm. "Are you okay?"

She completely ignored me and faced the boy in the jacket, "You're Bryan Stars!"

The boy looked up and smiled, "Hi." He said awkwardly.

"Can I get a pic?" When he nodded Samm shoved her phone into my hands. "Take it, Morgan." I rolled my eyes but none the less took the pic of Bryan wrapping his arm around Samm's waist and both smiling brightly.

"I'm such a huge fan." She gushed once I handed her phone back.

The two babbled on, the guy with bunny ears and me just standing by each other. When I turned to say something I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist and pick me up, causing me to squeal in delight.

"Andy!" I laughed once he set me down, smiling proudly.

"Hey babe," He said before his eyes caught Bryan and the dude with bunny ears filming us. "I see you met Bryan?"

"More like watched Samm attack him." I joked.

Samm blushed madly as Jinxx walked up to her. He made a move to hug her but she suddenly shifted away. No one noticed except for Jinxx and me, so I decided to bring it up later.

"Bryan, this is my girlfriend Morgan," Andy said before turning to the camera man, pointing into the camera lense. "My very, very hot and sexy girlfriend." A/N: I don't even think that made sense... Oh well xD Just go along with it.

I groaned and slapped his arm, a light laugh escaping my lips. He grinned, eyes bright with happiness. Honestly, how did I get so lucky to date him?

"You have two minutes!" A stage hand shouted.

"Good luck," I said, standing on my toes and kissing his lips. "We have to talk about earlier."

He chuckled and winked at me, turning and heading towards where everyone else was getting ready. Samm stood beside me with Bryan on her side and the camera still pointed on the guys as they did their chant.

With a glance back to me, Andy ran up stage.


"You were great!" I shouted, jumping into Andy's out stretched arms.

He twirled my around, his lips pressing against mine. I pulled away and smirked, tapping his nose. He grinned and set me down, leaving his arm around my waist. I looked back to see a stiff Samm standing beside Jinxx as he spoke with Jake, although both of them looked seriously pissed.

"Do you know what's going on between Samm and Jinxx?" I asked, turning back to look up at him.

His eyebrows furrowed as he glanced over at the sour couple, "Jinxx didn't say anything."

"I hope nothing is wrong," I muttered. "She's staying the whole week."

"I'm sure everything is fine," Andy soothed me. "Let's get back to the hotel."

My stomach twisted in anticipation. I don't even know why I was nervous to sleep in the same bed as Andy. We were dating, it was completely normal. I just couldn't stop the feeling of anxiety in my stomach.

Andy's larger hand grabbed my small one and led me out of the venue, jacket and sunglasses on even though it was nearly eleven at night. I knew it was because of the fans and it still stunned me to see how big his band really was. I wondered how many people at my school new of them?

He opened the passenger door to his old Chevy Impala. Of course this would be his car. He had long since gotten rid of his 2011 Honda Civic since it had broken down that night only two months ago. I could tell by the way his hand skimmed across the hood as he reached his side that he loved this car more than anything.

"Nice, leather seats." I teased, running my hand up and down the leather. The car was in great condition and a part of my envied Andy for even having it.

"Only for my baby." He joked right back, patting the steering wheel.

The ride to the hotel was silent but I didn't mind. I watched the scenery as Andy whizzed past them, one hand on the wheel and the other on the seat. I reached over and grabbed it, earning a smile from him. I grinned and played with his fingers, enjoying the moment.

When we reached the hotel, the lobby was swarmed. All of the lights were off and people were using their phones for light. Residents in their night gowns were shouting at the poor staff, who looked lost as to what was going on. I did a double take when I saw a man in only a towel with suds in his hair. What the hell happened? Andy and I turned our phones on, trying to see through the crowd.

"People, people, please calm down!" The manager shouted as he stood on the counter. The crowd hushed, all eyes on him. "There has been a power outage around the area. All lights and water are off until further notice. If you could all please return to your rooms and stay there for the night, we will have someone notify you when the power comes back."

"Come on." Andy muttered, leading me down the hallway.

The room was freezing by the time we got into our room. Like the manager had said, none of the lights were on and the room had no heating. I shivered and ran into the bed, hugging the covers to my body as I curled up. Andy sighed and shuffled over to his bag beside me, using his phone light to find something.

I decided to get into my pajamas also. I stood and grabbed my bag before walking into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door. I grabbed my favorite grey sweater that instantly warmed me and my leppard print pants. Walking back into the room, Andy was already dressed in a black sweatshirt and some gym shorts.

"You're going to freeze." I noted.

He smiled sheepisly, "I didn't plan on our hotel room freezing."

I giggled and walked over to the bed, once again crawling in. This time, Andy joined me. For a second, it was awkward as we sat there in silence, until Andy broke it by turning around and pulling me into his arms. I sighed and rested my head against his chest, listening to him breathe.

"I know you feel awkward," He whispered into the dark room. "I know that this is weird for you."

"I'm just nervous." I muttered, playing with a ring that was on his finger.

"I don't want you to be."

I looked up at him, "I'm not anymore."

He smiled and kissed me before pulling away and bringing the covers up to our chins. I giggled and snuggled into his side, breathing in his intoxicating smell, even though he was sticky with sweat from the concert. I couldn't be disgusted seeing as there was nothing he could do about it since the water was off.

"Night, babe." He whispered.

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