Lazy Day

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I rolled around in bed, stretching and wiggling my toes. I had forgotten to close the shades last night and the sun was now beating mercilessly on my back. I sighed and sat up in bed, looking over to see Andy still asleep with the blankets pulled up to his ears. I closed the shades before deciding that I couldn't fall back asleep. 

I walked around the house for a while before deciding to take a shower. I winced as the warm water hit my tattoo and my thumb throbbed with pain as I washed it off. I quickly got out and put the tattoo goo back on it and left it alone, deciding to put the wrapping back on if I left the house. I got into Andy's baggy batman shirt and into some tights, putting my hair up, and making myself a bowl of cereal. By now it was nearly nine and I sat down and watched TV, flicking through the TVs and waiting for Andy to wake up.

"What're you watching?" Andy asked, sitting beside me on the couch. He had his own bowl of cereal and was shoving it into his mouth, eyes watching the screen.

"Ridiculousness." I muttered, propping my feet up and relaxing into the couch.

Andy nodded, "Cool."


Andy and I watched TV all day. We barely moved from the couch, only to get food, and Andy had stayed in his Batman onesie all day. I found it adorable and took a picture, saving it to my phone.

"Babe, do you have a twitter?" He asked suddenly.


"Alright then. Where's you laptop?" He asked, standing up and searching for it.

Once he found it, he came back and sat down beside me, logging onto Twitter. I watched in silence as he made an account, @ActuallyDancing. I rolled my eyes at the name but didn't bother to object. It wasn't like I had any better ideas. Andy followed all the guys before handing me the laptop.

He nodded, "Your welcome."

I sighed and began to mess around, choosing a picture and all that fun stuff. I even downloaded the app on my phone. I was looking at Tweets some of my favorite artists had sent out when my computer dinged. I frowned and clicked on the notifaction bar, immediately seeing Andy's face on my newsfeed.

"@ActuallyDancing looks so confused" a picture of me bent over my computer was attached, my face scrunched in confusion.

I rolled my eyes, "You know I'm here, right?" I asked sarcastically.

"Where's the fun in that?" He pouted.

I rolled my eyes and decided to send out my first tweet.

"@AndyBVB in his pjs xD" and I attached the picture of Andy from this morning. AN/ Picture on the side.

"Okay," I admitted. "Twitter is pretty good."

"Damn right."

I looked back at the computer when it dinged again. I frowned when I saw nearly five hundred new tweets.

Sorry if this is all wrong :/ 

@BVBindiana: @ActuallyDancing who are you?

@AshelysGurl: @ActuallyDancing you look ugly

@AndysMistress: @ActuallyDancing, it's alright xD We can share him :*

@BVBGirl: @ActuallyDancing are you pregnant? 

To the last one there was a picture of Andy buying an armful of pregnancy tests. I laughed out loud, causing Andy to look up.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Someone got a pic of you buying all those pregnancy tests." I said and showed him the picture.

He smirked and turned back to his phone.

@AndyBVB: No, @ActuallyDancing is NOT pregnant. The tests were for a friend xD

My computer dinged with Tweets and I sighed, shoving my computer to the side. I looked up at Andy who looked amused and I smirked. 

"What?" I asked.

He chuckled, "Nothing. Just enjoying the view."

I blushed and rolled my eyes, turning back to the TV. He chuckled and went back to his phone. When I was sure he wasn't looking, I turned around and tackled him.

"What the hell?" He gasped as I straddled him, holding his arms down and smiling down at him.

"Hi there." I smiled.

He rolled his eyes, "You like being on top?"

"Very much."

He laughed and got his hands free, attacking my stomach with tickles. I squealed and fell back, this time Andy on top.

"I'm always on top." He breathed into my ear.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer so I could kiss him. 

Just a filler chapter xD FLUFF!!!! Also, it's almost the end guys :'( The last chapter will be posted on May 1st (which is when I'll post the first chapter of my other story *hint hint*) and then after that is the Epilogue.




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