Saying Goodbye

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It's a short chapter, but it's something :)

I wrung my hands as I stood beside Samm, watching the guys go through baggage checkout. They were ready to leave and were about to take the plane out to catch up to Warped Tour, wherever the hell it was. I was more worried about Andy getting onto a plane. I had a strange phobia against planes and I hated them with a passion. I would rather drive everywhere then take a plane.

"Babe, calm down," Andy laughed, catching up to us and rubbing my arms. He seemed so tired, dressed in baggy sweats and a black sweater. He also looked comfy. "The plane isn't going to crash."

"You'll call me once you land, right?" I offered.

"Of course. I will even text you if I can." He said.

I nodded, but the tight bundle of nerves in my chest didn't disappear. I kept running all these horrible scenarios through my head, all of them ending with a plane crash. God, why couldn't he take the tour bus? This was a bad idea.

He turned to talk to Jinxx about something, and I clutched his hand tighter. His plane was supposed to take off in the next thirty minutes. My breathing became labored.

"Hey, shush, everything is going to be fine." Andy turned his attention back to me, surprised to see my practically having a panic attack.

"It's just... Planes!" I tried to explain my fear to him. He probably thought it was stupid, most people do.

"I understand," He soothed me. He pulled me into a tight hug. "I promise you that nothing is going to happen. I'll be back in two months, okay? I'll Skype you all the time and text you till you'll have to turn your phone off."

"Everything will be fine." I muttered, clutching his sweatshit tightly in my fists. I didn't want to let go, instead keeping him in this perfect hug, but he was supposed to go do his job: singing for other people across the world.

"I promise." He repeated and kissed my head.

I nodded and he finally let me go, giving me one last kiss on the cheek. I wanted to kiss his lips, but every time I tried to, he would turn his head. I felt hurt at first, but Samm had told me that once he left she would explain everything to me. It better be a good reason.

I didn't let go of his hand till the last minute, hugging myself and watching as he followed the rest of the guys onto the plane. Jinxx gave Samm one last hug, giving her a deep and very passionate kiss. I wished Andy would have done that before he left, but he was already in the plane and Jinxx was rushing to join them.

"They'll be fine." Samm said.

"I know. It's just..." I tried to explain to her as well.

"I know." She gave me a comforting smile and I remembered why we had became friends in the first place.

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