Let Me Go

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The car was silent. Andy was scrolling through something on his phone while I sat in my seat, arms folded and a scowl on my face. I glared at the behemoth but he didn't seem to notice.

"Let me out."

"Tell me why you hate us."

His response was quick and expected. I groaned and threw my head back.

"I hate you because you kidnapped me."

"Not kidnap if you enjoy it."

"I don't!"

"Stop lying to yourself."

I groaned and threw my head back. Seriously? Why couldn't he let me go? A thought occured. He'll have to let me go if I annoy him to no end.

"You're insecure,

Don't know what for,

You're turning heads when you walk through the-"

"D-O-O-O-O-O-O-R!" Andy belted out, a huge grin on his face. He continued to see the song and I groaned, once again throwing my head back.

Another song came to mind.

"7:00 am waking up in the morning

Gotta' be fresh gotta' go downstairs

Gotta' have my bowl of cereal-"





"It's friday, friday, friday!"

Soon enough both of us were belting out the lyrics to Friday, a huge smile on my face. Andy was using the most nasally voice- that reminded me of Natalie's- and was doing some weird hand gestures. I was cracking up by the time we finished the song, the car now overly heated. He let out a laugh and turned the AC on- but it didn't turn on.

Andy frowned and started to jab the on button but no cool air came on. I glanced at Andy. "You broke the car."

"I didn't break the car."

"Go fix it!"

"Who says I know how to fix it?"

"Um... Because you're the man!"

"That's stereotypical!"

"Just go fix the damned thing!"

"I don't know how!"

"Well go look at the engine then."

He scoffed at me, "I knew that."

''Sure you did.''

He glared at me as he got out of the car, popping the hood open. I waited patiently for him, humming a random song under my breath. A couple minutes later, he came back to the car and looked at me through the car.

"Okay.... So the car's broken."

"You broke the car? How is that possible?"

"I don't know! Just- Just get out, okay? Let's walk down the street so I can get some reception."

"You..... You..." I spluttered, starring wide-eyed at him. How could such a good moment go so bad?

He glared at me until I finally got out of the car. I followed behind him in silence, eyeing the area surrounding it. It had long ago had gotten dark and we were the only car on the street. Damn Andy. This wouldn't have happened if he had let me stay open.

"Do you know any self defence?" I asked, breaking the silence.

He didn't look back at me, holding his phone up into the air as he walked ahead, "Nope. I'll just punch the mother fucker."

"I feel so safe." I said dully. He let out a laugh but didn't say anything else.

We walked another couple of minutes and I was starting to get bored. Andy was still holding his phone up, a curse coming from him every now and then. I guess he wasn't getting any reception. There were pebbles spread out across the street and I began to kick them, aiming for Andy's foot.

After a while, he started to get annoyed, "Damnit Morgan. Stop."

"You kidnapped me."


"I am on a deserted dark street. I'm a girl. I can be raped."

"You won't get raped- Stop!"

I aimed to kick another pebble when Andy suddenly turned around, wrapping an arm around my waist and yanked me into his chest. I gasped in shock, my hands coming up to rest on his chest, as I looked up at him in shock.

"Stop kicking the fucking stones." He said in a low voice, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I- You deserve it." I stuttered.

"Why? Why do I deserve it?" He pleaded, almost shaking me.

"You kidnap-"

"Other than that. Yes, I kidnapped you. Okay. Now, tell me why you hated me before all this shit."

He hadn't moved away and his breath fanned my face. My whole body was buzzing with how close we were, his hands burning my waist. His hair was pulled back and his face was on full view, his beautiful eyes scanning my face. His lips were plump and pink, almost luring me into kissing them. I snapped out of my daze and titled my head back.

"You- You ate my peanut butter."

He raised an eyebrow, "Really? That's the reason you hate me?"

No. I hate you because when you came into my life, everything turned upside down. You being here, so close to me, makes feelings I never knew existed run through my body. But yes, we'll go with that the main reason is because you ate my peanut butter.

"Yes." I breathed.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the sound of something slapping against the street disrupted us. I looked over his shoulder to see it had started to rain heavily. In seconds, both of us were drenched in rain. My hair stuck to my face, my clothes plastered against my body. Andy wasn't any better since he was wearing a white t-shirt and it was showing off his abs. Oh God, his abs.

I looked back at Andy and it seemed like everything had gone away. The rain had washed away what we were fighting about and all I could think about was Andy. He was slowly inching his face closer towards mine, his lips parting slightly. I didn't think as my hands ran up to the nape of his neck, bringing his face closer till our lips touched.

Our kiss was heated and hungry. He raised his hands so they were gripping my face, his whole body leaning over my small one. My hands clutching his neck tightly, and I even stood on my toes to get closer to him. One hand went to my waist and suddenly yanked me up. I wrapped my legs around Andy's waist in one move, my head now above Andy's so he had to tilt his head back to kiss me.

If I tried, I wouldn't be able to explain the feeling of this kiss. It was ten times better than our first kiss. This kiss had anger and lust mixed into it. Everything we had been feeling was coming out in this kiss. It was wonderful and amazing and everything I had hoped a kiss would be like.

I felt Andy start to walk, our lips still connected. He bent down and I was placed on something. He crawled on top of me, his hands on either side of my face. We finally broke apart, both of us breathing hard.

I stared up at him. What now? I had just kissed Andy willingly. I couldn't avoid him now. I couldn't do anything. Why?

Because I wanted to stay and figure out what this was. I wanted this to mean something. I wanted us to be more than friends.

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